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Sovereigns Quotes

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It is always the adventurers who do great things, not the sovereigns of great empires  (Sovereigns Quotes) Laws are the sovereigns of sovereigns  (Sovereigns Quotes) Education must bring the practice as nearly as possible to the theory. As the children now are, so will the sovereigns soon be  (Sovereigns Quotes) A little unsure of himself in her presence, he always addressed her in questions, a habit common to parents, sovereigns, generals, and teachers  (Sovereigns Quotes) Religion united its influence with those of loyalty and love, and the order of knighthood, endowed with all the sanctity and religious awe that attended the priesthood, became an object of ambition to the greatest sovereigns  (Sovereigns Quotes) Money is the counter that enables life to be lived socially; it is life as truly as sovereigns and banknotes are money  (Sovereigns Quotes) We are not philosophers, we are sovereigns. The rules that govern our behavior are not the rules for other men, and our honor, I think, is a different thing entirely, difficult for anyone but the historians and the gods to judge  (Sovereigns Quotes) Languages are jealous sovereigns, and passports are rarely allowed for travellers to cross their strictly guarded borders  (Sovereigns Quotes) In free governments the rulers are the servants and the people are their superiors and sovereigns  (Sovereigns Quotes) The sovereigns of the earth do not always grant audience readily; on the contrary, the King of Heaven, hidden under the eucharistic veils, is ready to receive anyone  (Sovereigns Quotes) A journalist is a grumbler, a censurer, a giver of advice, a regent of sovereigns, a tutor of nations. Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets  (Sovereigns Quotes) There is a close tie of affection between sovereigns and their subjects; and as chaste wives should have no eyes but for their husbands, so faithful liegemen should keep their regards at home and not look after foreign crowns. For my part I like not for my sheep to wear a stranger’s mark nor to dance after a foreigner’s whistle  (Sovereigns Quotes) Cleopatra had one great advantage. She lived at a time when female sovereigns were not anomalies. And when women enjoyed rights they would not again enjoy for another 2,000 years. You could call them early feminists, if I may use a dirty word.  (Sovereigns Quotes) The sovereigns of the Internet are acting like they have a divine right to govern  (Sovereigns Quotes) [T]he people as ultimate sovereigns, retain the ultimate power - and even the duty - to overthrow any government that fails to respect their authority.  (Sovereigns Quotes)