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Sovereignties Quotes

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However fragmented the world, however intense the national rivalries, it is an inexorable fact that we become more interdependent every day. I believe that national sovereignties will shrink in the face of universal interdependence. The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: We are all in the same boat  (Sovereignties Quotes) So that the executive and legislative branches of the national government depend upon, and emanate from the states. Every where the state sovereignties are represented; and the national sovereignty, as such, has no representation  (Sovereignties Quotes) Our political machine, composed of thirteen independent sovereignties, have been perpetually operating against each other and against the federal head ever since the peace  (Sovereignties Quotes) When we say, even in a global village, that all politics is local, we mean that national sovereignties are the only reliable source of political authority.  (Sovereignties Quotes)