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If you have compassion for society, only then will the events of your life, sow seeds of revolution in it  (Sow Quotes) When you assess your own life, consider it with the eye of a gardener. Underneath the surface lies rich, fertile soil waiting to nurture the seeds you sow. Even more than you can imagine will grow there if given a chance  (Sow Quotes) There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world  (Sow Quotes) Friends, the soil is poor, we must sow seeds in plenty for us to garner even modest harvests  (Sow Quotes) One thing more dangerous than getting between a grizzly sow and her cub is getting between a businessman and a dollar bill  (Sow Quotes) We are happier in many ways when we are old than when we were young. The young sow wild oats. The old grow sage  (Sow Quotes) Application is the price to be paid for mental acquisition. To have the harvest, we must sow the seed  (Sow Quotes) He who learns the rules of wisdom, without conforming to them in his life, is like a man who labored in his fields, but did not sow  (Sow Quotes) God wants to use you to make other people happy! And the happier you make others, the happier you will be because you reap what you sow  (Sow Quotes) If we’re going to bring out the best in people, we, too, need to sow seeds of encouragement  (Sow Quotes) Crush humanity out of shape once more, under similar hammers, and it will twist itself into the same tortured forms. Sow the same seeds of rapacious licence and oppression over again, and it will surely yield the same fruit according to its kind  (Sow Quotes) Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace  (Sow Quotes) Whoever acquires knowledge but does not practice it is as one who ploughs but does not sow  (Sow Quotes) I will waste not even a precious second today in anger or hate or jealousy or selfishness. I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day  (Sow Quotes) All which happens through the whole world happens through hope. No husbandman would sow a grain of corn if he did not hope it would spring up and bring forth the ear; how much more we are helped on by hope in the eternal life  (Sow Quotes) To avoid pain we must know the conditions of health. For the accomplishment of this end we must rely upon investigation instead of faith, upon labor in place of prayer. Most misery is produced by ignorance. Passions sow the seeds of pain  (Sow Quotes) Sow a seed and the earth will yield you a flower. Dream your dream to the sky and it will bring you your beloved  (Sow Quotes) Everything you do is a seed that you sow. Seed bad, harvest bad. Seed good, harvest good. And the list goes on and on  (Sow Quotes) We sow the seeds of our future hells or happiness by the way we open or close our minds right now  (Sow Quotes) Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind... what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success  (Sow Quotes) I consider the success of my day based on the seeds I sow, not the harvest I reap  (Sow Quotes) If a man would reap praise, you must sow the seeds, gentle words and useful deeds  (Sow Quotes) We seek to sow life in the child rather than theories, to help him in his growth, mental and emotional as well as physical, and for that we must offer grand and lofty ideas to the human mind  (Sow Quotes) Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow you reap. What you give you get. What you see in others exists in you. Regardless of who you are or what you do, if you are looking for the best way to reap the most reward in all areas of life, you should look for the good in every person and in every situation and adopt the golden rule as a way of life  (Sow Quotes) Agitators are a set of interfering, meddling people, who come down to some perfectly contented class of the community and sow the seeds of discontent amongst them. That is the reason why agitators are so absolutely necessary. Without them, in our incomplete state, there would be no advance towards civilization  (Sow Quotes) Even today we raise our hand against our brother... We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep, and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves as if it were normal we continue to sow destruction, pain, death. Violence and war lead only to death  (Sow Quotes) We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. The wind is blowing; those vessels whose sails are unfurled catch it, and go forward on their way, but those which have their sails furled do not catch the wind. Is that the fault of the wind?..... We make our own destiny  (Sow Quotes) Before the reward there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy  (Sow Quotes) Sow an act and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny  (Sow Quotes) You must give to get, you must sow the seed, before you can reap the harvest  (Sow Quotes)
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