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Generally, older people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies are running most countries and are CEOs of corporations. Which isn’t to say there aren’t entrepreneurs, but if the young were better in every respect, there’d be no reason for the old. Our life span reflects our particular life strategy  (Span Quotes) To me, however, the question of the times resolved itself into a practical question of the conduct of life. How shall I live? We are incompetent to solve the times. Our geometry cannot span the huge orbits of the prevailing ideas, behold their return, and reconcile their opposition. We can only obey our own polarity  (Span Quotes) I don’t necessarily want to direct because it’s too much work and I don’t have the attention span to stay with it that long. But I think getting everyone together on something that appeals to me and developing the material is something that I like to do  (Span Quotes) My generation knew pretty well what happened 50 years before our birth. Now I follow all the quiz programs because they are a paramount example of the span of memory of the young generation - they are able to remember everything that happened in their life but not before  (Span Quotes) I enjoy working on a series and having a long stretch of time to get to know and connect with my cast and crew. It also gives me the ability to play a character over the span of countless hours of television  (Span Quotes) Jazz Artist of the Century’ would have to be a distinctive soloist and ensemble player, a composer, an arranger, a bandleader, and a driver; would have to span all the genres and periods of jazz; would have to have run her own label; [would] possess a deep spirituality, with grace and a sense of humor; and would have to have succeeded against all odds. Who else? Mary Lou Williams.  (Span Quotes) In one century, we’ve added 28 years to our average life span - a change so rapid that our brains couldn’t possibly have evolved to accommodate it.  (Span Quotes) Sea World’s killer whale collection needs constant replenishing. The average life span of the animals in captivity is less than half the average for killer whales in the ocean.  (Span Quotes) Retarding the aging process would be therapy and enhancement because it would mean defeating diseases and because it would extend our life span.  (Span Quotes) A woman keeps her kitchen like her heart: Well stocked and labelled and shelved, with lots of air and light, spick and span and filled with love  (Span Quotes) When I am at a dinner table, I love to ask everybody, ‘How long do you think our species might last?’ I’ve read that the average age of a species, of any species, is about two million years. Is it possible we can have an average life span as a species? And do you picture us two million years more or a million and a half years, or 5,000?  (Span Quotes) Everyone’s attention span is getting shorter. As a result, everything - films, music, art - gets watered down and dumber. Every now and again, you get something great, but not often.  (Span Quotes) Children from like 8 and even up to the college age - Spider-Man appeals to a fairly broad demographic but, like I said, a mean age probably of 12 is a good mark - they process information so quickly and it’s not because of attention deficit or short attention span.  (Span Quotes) A friend gave me a drug for attention deficit disorder, because he’s afflicted, but I’m not. So what happened to me is I suddenly had an extra-long attention span. People would tell me a story, and it would end, and I’d get all mad. Come on, man, there has to be more to that story.  (Span Quotes) I don’t have a good attention span and can’t spend long in record stores or video shops or games emporiums without getting grumpy.  (Span Quotes) My attention span is all over the place, and I overthink things. I’m an insomniac.  (Span Quotes) Plus the public’s attention span is so short right now, if a skater doesn’t strike while the iron is hot... well it’s not like people will forget you, but they just won’t care anymore.  (Span Quotes) I guess I have a short attention span! I’m interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.  (Span Quotes) I’m not someone who has a lengthy attention span, and that applies to my exercise routine as well.  (Span Quotes) The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever you’re trying to tell them.  (Span Quotes) I’m the perfect kind of personality for making YouTube videos. I deal in short attention span theater. I do wild things.  (Span Quotes) I can sketch up a storm, and I’m very involved in how clothes are constructed, but I have a short attention span.  (Span Quotes) I’m not really one for reading books. I have a very poor attention span. I’d rather listen to music, play games or watch films on my iPad.  (Span Quotes) My laziness is really profound. I’m really interested in where it comes from - it almost feels chemical. And we’ve all got ADD now, short attention span and all that.  (Span Quotes) Pat Moynihan could write books with one hand and legislate with the other. I can’t; I have a short attention span. The slightest distraction would take me away from writing.  (Span Quotes) I’m terrible at reading fiction. I don’t have the attention span - it’s awful.  (Span Quotes) I didn’t care for beat reporting, covering the same thing day after day - short attention span  (Span Quotes) While I was an addict, I didn’t write anything. I didn’t have the attention span or the will.  (Span Quotes) I’m usually two projects ahead. It’s hard for me because I don’t have a really long attention span.  (Span Quotes) We don’t really even know how the Internet and technology are changing us, or our brains and our attention span.  (Span Quotes)
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