Spark Quotes
Text Quotes
The postdoc explained to me how to distinguish different sorts of particles on the basis of the amounts of energy they deposited in various sorts of detectors, spark chambers, calorimeters, what have you (Spark Quotes)
The artist must create a spark before he can make a fire and before art is born, the artist must be ready to be consumed by the fire of his own creation (Spark Quotes)
I’m just so honored that the universe chose me to be the spark that has set off a raging inferno (Spark Quotes)
Youth is, after all, just a moment, but it is the moment, the spark that you always carry in your heart (Spark Quotes)
I stopped working a few years ago because I just lost a spark that I’d had before. I thought I’d just try writing, and maybe start directing, but I did it very quietly (Spark Quotes)
Nobody’s really unsympathetic, I think. People do good and bad things. If a character’s totally unsympathetic, they’re not real and I’m not interested. Even the real monsters have to have a spark of something you can relate to (Spark Quotes)
The work completed during the special session was just the beginning. During those six days we lit a spark that will positively impact the lives of our children and grandchildren, but the full fire is yet to come (Spark Quotes)
I believe a lot of our lives are spent asleep, and what I’ve been trying to do is hold on to those moments when a little spark cuts through the fog and nudges you (Spark Quotes)
Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out (Spark Quotes)
One kernel is felt in a hogshead; one drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire helps to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service. Think of this and act (Spark Quotes)
I think if people are passionate about something, it could be real estate or biochemistry, and that spark gets turned on in them, everyone’s beautiful in that zone (Spark Quotes)
Is she become a rag doll? Are the wolves become children? It seems quite possible, there on the twilight fringes of dying. With some faint spark of herself, the little girl holds on to the idea. Even a rag doll has more life than does a dying child (Spark Quotes)
I meet a person, and in my mind I’m saying three minutes; I give you three minutes to show me the spark (Spark Quotes)
And why does it make you sad to see how everything hangs by such thin and whimsical threads? Because you’re a dreamer, an incredible dreamer, with a tiny spark hidden somewhere inside you which cannot die, which even you cannot kill or quench and which tortures you horribly because all the odds are against its continual burning. In the midst of the foulest decay and putrid savagery, this spark speaks to you of beauty, of human warmth and kindness, of goodness, of greatness, of heroism, of martyrdom, and it speaks to you of love (Spark Quotes)
In the sciences, the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man (Spark Quotes)
He always reminded us that every atom in our bodies was once part of a distant star that had exploded. He talked about how evolution moves from simplicity toward complexity, and how human intelligence is the highest known expression of evolution. I remember him telling me that a frog’s brain is much more complex than a star. He saw human consciousness as the first neuron of the universe coming to life and awareness. A spark in the darkness, waiting to spread to fire (Spark Quotes)
Genius is fine for the ignition spark, but to get there someone has to see that the radiator doesn’t leak and no tire is flat (Spark Quotes)
Creativity is that marvelous capacity to grasp mutually distinct realities and draw a spark from their juxtaposition (Spark Quotes)
Often it was the most unlikely people who found within themselves a spark of something greater. It was probably always there, but most people are never tested, and they go through their whole lives without ever knowing that when things are at their worst, they are at their best (Spark Quotes)
Certein bodies... become luminous when heated. Their luminosity disappears after some time, but the capacity of becoming luminous afresh through heat is restored to them by the action of a spark, and also by the action of radium (Spark Quotes)
Sometimes they rose up inside her, these moments of fierce happiness, kindling out of their own substance like a spark igniting a mound of grass. It was a joy to be alive, a strange and savage joy, and she stood there in the warmth and destruction of it knowing it could not last (Spark Quotes)
When it comes, you’ll be dreaming that you don’t need to breathe; that breathless silence is the music of the dark and it’s part of the rhythm to vanish like a spark (Spark Quotes)
Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow their mind. The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another (Spark Quotes)
Forge thy tongue on an anvil of truth and what flies up, though it be but a spark, will have light (Spark Quotes)
There are moments when I feel like giving up or giving in, but I soon rally again and do my duty as I see it: to keep the spark of life inside me ablaze (Spark Quotes)
Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is innovation the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress (Spark Quotes)
Buried deep within each of us is a spark of greatness, a spark than can be fanned into flames of passion and achievement. That spark is not outside of you it is born deep within you (Spark Quotes)
Be aware of your own worth, use all of your power to achieve it. Create an ocean from a dewdrop. Do not beg for light from the moon, obtain it from the spark within you (Spark Quotes)
The wind flew. God told to wind to condense itself and out of the flurry came the horse. But with the spark of sprit the horse flew by the wind itself (Spark Quotes)
See a flame in a spark, a tree in a seed. See great things in little beginnings (Spark Quotes)