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Faint hearted as usual, she had left it too late. In the future, I'll be braver, she told herself. In the future, I will always speak my mind, eloquently, passionately  (Speak Quotes) If you sincerely believed in God, how could you form one thought, speak one sentence, without mentioning Him?  (Speak Quotes) In the future, I'll be braver, she told herself. In the future, I will always speak my mind, eloquently, passionately  (Speak Quotes) My parents are very funny when they have to deal with anything racy or off color. They usually pretend they don't speak English  (Speak Quotes) The people who live my truth, what do they say when they speak of themselves? Does the echo of what I am thinking issue from their mouths, or error, or falsehood?  (Speak Quotes) ... A poem is, so to speak, a way of making you forget how you wrote it  (Speak Quotes) When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak  (Speak Quotes) And when we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard nor welcomed but when we are silent we are still afraid So it is better to speak remembering we were never meant to survive  (Speak Quotes) I love the way he talks. By the end, perhaps I'll be able to speak in majestic food metaphors like Reverend Richards  (Speak Quotes) We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way  (Speak Quotes) I well knew the rules to follow with our training Dogs: Speak when you're spoken to. Keep out of the way. Obey all orders. Get killed on your own time  (Speak Quotes) You don't have to speak monosyllables to be simple. What we mean by simple is finding the core of the idea  (Speak Quotes) Be like a lotus. Let the beauty of your heart speak. Be grateful to the mud, water, air and the light  (Speak Quotes) What religion a man shall have is a historical accident, quite as much as what language he shall speak  (Speak Quotes) The part of my writing I find the most rewarding is when people write to me or speak to me in public to tell me how his or her life has been changed by my books  (Speak Quotes) It is a mistake for a sculptor or a painter to speak or write very often about his job. It releases tension needed for his work  (Speak Quotes) I speak truth, not so much as I would, but as much as I dare; and I dare a little the more, as I grow older  (Speak Quotes) There is but one temple in this Universe: The Body. We speak to God whenever we lay our hands upon it  (Speak Quotes) If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much  (Speak Quotes) Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen  (Speak Quotes) All objects, all phases of culture are alive. They have voices. They speak of their history and interrelatedness. And they are all talking at once!  (Speak Quotes) Remember that God is as near to our mouth when we speak as that man is who leans his ear to our whispers  (Speak Quotes) Public opinion... requires us to think other men's thoughts, to speak other men's words, to follow other men's habits  (Speak Quotes) We have allowed the sexual debate to be defined by women, and that's not right. Men must speak, and speak in their own voices, not voices coerced by feminist moralists  (Speak Quotes) She is stunned that in this town there are no sidewalks to speak of, no streetlights, no public transportation, no stores for miles at at a time  (Speak Quotes) Everyone on the set has a mobile phone, and I found by pushing a few buttons, they could be programmed into different languages. I fixed Robbie's (Coltrane) to speak in Turkish  (Speak Quotes) These bits speak history's tattered tale. How we cling to scraps, shards, sea glass - because we cannot stay  (Speak Quotes) Those whom God employs to speak for him ought to depend upon him for instructions, and it shall be given them what they shall speak  (Speak Quotes) But between you and me there should be no mention of law as the guide of conduct. Speak to me of honour, of duty, and of nobility; and tell me what they require of you  (Speak Quotes) I will not speak with disrespect of the Republican Party. I always speak with respect of the past  (Speak Quotes)
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