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Of all the joyous motives of school life, the love of knowledge is the only abiding one; the only one which determines the scale, so to speak, upon which the person will hereafter live  (Speak Quotes) Never forget that when we are silent, we are one. And when we speak we are two  (Speak Quotes) It is painful enough to discover with what unconcern they speak of war and threaten it. I have seen enough of it to make me look upon it as the sum of all evils  (Speak Quotes) I say no words... I can’t speak with him. I shy. He too good  (Speak Quotes) Let us not speak of tolerance. This negative word implies grudging concessions by smug consciences. Rather, let us speak of mutual understanding and mutual respect  (Speak Quotes) Dance is so important in the world. It needs no language. Our bodies speak a language of its own  (Speak Quotes) Start doing the things you think should be done, and start being what you think society should become. Do you believe in free speech? Then speak freely. Do you love the truth? Then tell it. Do you believe in an open society? Then act in the open. Do you believe in a decent and humane society? Then behave decently and humanely  (Speak Quotes) ... So, take what’s inside you and make big, bold choices. And for those who can’t speak for themselves, use bold voices. And make friends and love well, bring art to this place. And make this world better for the whole human race  (Speak Quotes) When we speak of choice, what we mean is the ability to exercise control over ourselves and our environment. In order to choose, we must first perceive that control is possible  (Speak Quotes) ... Basketball doesn’t care what color your skin is. It doesn’t care what language you speak or what religion you practice. It doesn’t care if you’re big or small, fast or slow. It just asks you to play, to complete, to lose with dignity, to win humility  (Speak Quotes) I was a skinny, scrawny guy. I stuttered horrendously, couldn’t speak at all. I was a very shy, reserved player and a very shy, reserved person. I found a safe place in life in basketball  (Speak Quotes) Concerned to reconstruct past ideas, historians must approach the generation that held them as the anthropologist approaches an alien culture. They must, that is, be prepared at the start to find that natives speak a different language and map experience into different categories from those they themselves bring from home. And they must take as their object the discovery of those categories and the assimilation of the corresponding language  (Speak Quotes) Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story  (Speak Quotes) Color is the language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege  (Speak Quotes) The justification and the purpose of freedom of speech is not to indulge those who want to speak their minds. It is to prevent error and discover truth. There may be other ways of detecting error and discovering truth than that of free discussion, but so far we have not found them  (Speak Quotes) One leaf left on a branch and not a sound of sadness or despair. One leaf left on a branch and no unhappiness. One leaf left all by itself in the air and it does not speak of loneliness or death. One leaf and it spends itself in swaying mildly in the breeze  (Speak Quotes) The solutions put forth by imperialism are the quintessence of simplicity... When they speak of the problems of population and birth, they are in no way moved by concepts related to the interests of the family or of society... Just when science and technology are making incredible advances in all fields, they resort to technology to suppress revolutions and ask the help of science to prevent population growth. In short, the peoples are not to make revolutions, and women are not to give birth. This sums up the philosophy of imperialism  (Speak Quotes) The very same brain centers that interpret and feel physical pain also become activated during experiences of emotional rejection. In brain scans, they light up in response to social ostracism, just as they would when triggered by physically harmful stimuli. When people speak of feeling hurt or of having emotional pain, they are not being abstract or poetic, but scientifically quite precise  (Speak Quotes) Actors speak of things imaginary as if they were real, while you preachers too often speak of things real as if they were imaginary  (Speak Quotes) Oh sirs, deal with sin as sin, and speak of heaven and hell as they are, and not as if you were in jest  (Speak Quotes) Even your pity is like a blast of wind and the words you speak would strip a tree of its blossoms  (Speak Quotes) I have only slipped away into the next room, I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we still are. Call me by my familiar name. Speak to me in the easy way which you always used... Play, smile, think of me... All is well  (Speak Quotes) Suicide is unspeakable, and to speak it is somehow to bring it into a human, imaginable sphere, even if only in the moment of speaking. The need to tell is both a need to tell oneself and a need to be heard... Telling and being heard are the first steps toward reconnection  (Speak Quotes) I’ve got a little baby, I made him... He doesn’t speak, he’s 2... He’s a slow learner, he’s only got 2 words... car and map... I’m slightly worried he’s trying to escape. If his next word is passport we are in serious trouble!  (Speak Quotes) People have been wonderful to me in the good times and the bad, and I’ve come to believe that you do indeed reap what you sow. For those who constantly gripe about life, I turn and walk away. For those who speak negatively about people behind their backs, I move on  (Speak Quotes) All around the world there are 230 countries, and among those people I can speak 5 languages. Nevertheless, I can’t find the exact word to define our relationship  (Speak Quotes) I paint ideas, not things. My intention is less to paint works that are pleasing to the eye than to suggest great thoughts which will speak to the imagination and the heart and will arouse all that is noblest and best in man  (Speak Quotes) We become intoxicated with color, with words that speak of color, and with the sun that makes colors brighter  (Speak Quotes) Art has always had as its test in the long term the ability to speak to our innermost selves  (Speak Quotes) We are responsible for the quality of our vision, we have a say in the shaping of our sensibility. In the many thousand daily choices we make, we create ourselves and the voice with which we speak and work  (Speak Quotes)
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