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I want to encourage young women to stand up for each other and speak up when they see others in a tough situation  (Speak Quotes) I always think before I speak. I’m not the sort who will just say anything that comes to my mind. I’m a very emotional and sensitive person. But I’m also very strong and know my mind well  (Speak Quotes) Yes. The way people behave, the paradoxes, the contradictions. All these things we have to live with and still pretend that everything is only black or white. That, I think, is the most interesting thing in human nature. The fact that we have to do one thing and pretend something else. That’s when it becomes very interesting. If you can literally speak the way you feel, then it’s not interesting anymore. It’s when you have to lie that it becomes interesting  (Speak Quotes) I think playing coy is silly. Speak your mind. If a man gets turned off, he’s the wrong man  (Speak Quotes) We suffer pain, we hang tight to hope, we nurture expectations, we are plagued occasionally by fears, we are haunted by defeats and unrealized hopes... The hoplessness of which I speak is not limited  (Speak Quotes) My manners also came from when I was in college and began participating in critiques. You have to speak with someone respectfully about their work and be honest and open, without hurting them  (Speak Quotes) It was a mistake to speak one’s mind at any time, unless it perfectly matched your political purpose; and it never did  (Speak Quotes) I don’t have the slightest desire to speak over my dead brother. It gets on my nerves to always be compared with him. My brother was a magnificent person and an outstanding actor  (Speak Quotes) When we know beyond any doubt that we already speak the feeling language of prayer, we awaken that part of us that can never be stolen, lost, or taken away. This is the secret mode of prayer  (Speak Quotes) It’s time for those of us who have a voice to speak out for life, for love and for justice using the same media we’ve used throughout our careers  (Speak Quotes) This poetry. I never know what I’m going to say. I don’t plan it. When I’m outside the saying of it, I get very quiet and rarely speak at all  (Speak Quotes) I’m so proud of the time I put in the pool, so proud of the people I met along way, just to be asked to do this was exciting for me. I love it when I run into people who remember me from playing water polo as opposed to what I do now, which is an actor. It’s rare that anyone remembers me but it’s fun when I run into guys that played water polo who, we can speak in terms of water polo and what it was like and how we played, it’s the great camaraderie. I was so excited to be asked to be part of this because I’m proud of it. I’m more proud of this probably than I am my professional career  (Speak Quotes) One thing I’ve learned in life is that I can speak for myself, that I can fight my own battles. I don’t like anyone telling me how I’m supposed to feel or think or what I’m supposed to say  (Speak Quotes) Resounding…with wit, courage, and compassion. Skinny will speak to everyone who has ever felt invisible or unlovable  (Speak Quotes) I listen to people talking sometimes, that great river that is language, with all its undercurrents of grammar and nuance, and I wonder how we all learn so quickly to speak it, given that we begin when we are barely old enough to stand upright. I have no memory of finding it hard. Indeed, I have no memory of it at all  (Speak Quotes) If you are going to be underestimated by people who speak more rapidly, the temptation is to speak slowly and strategically and outwit them  (Speak Quotes) Don’t speak evil of someone if you don’t know for certain, and if you do know ask yourself, why am I telling it?  (Speak Quotes) There are persons who can speak no more, whose very names have vanished. Yet a name excised from the verge where it once lived still casts its sound on all who sleep there and enters their throats  (Speak Quotes) It’s always been difficult for me to speak and express my innermost thoughts. I prefer to write. When I sit down and write, words grow very docile, they come and feed out of my hand like little birds, and I can do almost what I want with them; whereas when I try to marshal them in open air, they fly away from me  (Speak Quotes) I wasn’t bullied or anything at school, but I was quite shy and didn’t speak up too much in class  (Speak Quotes) I do not say with words. I do not say it with images either.… I do not say, I show. I show people who move and speak. That is all I know how to do, but that is my true subject  (Speak Quotes) An organization which claims to speak for the needs of a community must speak in the tone of that community  (Speak Quotes) Am I embarrassed to speak for a less than perfect democracy? Not one bit. Find me a better one. Do I suppose there are societies which are free of sin? No, I don’t. Do I think ours is, on balance, incomparably the most hopeful set of human relations the world has? Yes, I do  (Speak Quotes) Country music to me is heartfelt music that speaks to the common man. It is about real life stories with rather simple melodies that the average person can follow. Country music should speak directly and simply about the highs and lows of life. Something that anyone can relate to  (Speak Quotes) When you catch on to your awakening, the world does not change. You just see it differently, that’s all. You acquire a feeling of immortality. A feeling of divine bliss, so to speak, when things no longer have the power to affect you  (Speak Quotes) C.S. Lewis admitted, when he was asked to set forth his beliefs, that he never felt less sure of them than when he tried to speak of them. Photographers know this frailty. To them words are a pallid, diffuse way of describing and celebrating what matters. Their gift is to see what will be affecting as a print. Mute  (Speak Quotes) Insofar as the theorist wins, therefore, by constructing an increasingly closed and terrifying machine, to that very degree he loses, since the critical capacity of his work is thereby paralysed, and the impulses of negation and revolt, not to speak of those of social transformation, are increasingly perceived as vain and trivial in the face of the model itself  (Speak Quotes) The time to sing is when your emotional level is just too high to speak anymore, and the time to dance is when your emotions are just too strong to only sing about how you feel  (Speak Quotes) Gold, silver, jewels, purple garments, houses built of marble, groomed estates, pious paintings, caparisoned steeds, and other things of this kind offer a mutable and superficial pleasure; books give delight to the very marrow of one’s bones. They speak to us, consult with us, and join with us in a living and intense intimacy  (Speak Quotes) Just as the right to speak and the right to refrain from speaking are complementary components of a broader concept of individual freedom, so also the individual’s freedom to choose his own creed is the counterpart of his right to refrain from accepting the creed established by the majority  (Speak Quotes)
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