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You have friends who actually care about you and speak the language of the inner self. You have avoided them of late. Your soul is as disheveled as your apartment, and until you can clean it up a little you don’t want to invite anyone inside  (Speak Quotes) Everybody wants life to speak to them with special kindness. Every personal story begs to be steered toward reverie, toward some relief from unpleasant truths: That you are a self, that beyond anything else you want the best for that self. That, if it is to be you or someone else, you need it to be you, no matter what  (Speak Quotes) When we speak to drunkards, worldlings, or any ignorant, unconverted men, we disgrace them as in that condition to the utmost, and lay it on as plainly as we can speak, and tell them of their sin, and shame, and misery: and we expect, not only that they should bear all patiently, but take all thankfully, and we have good reasons for all this; and most that I deal with do take it patiently... But if we speak to a godly minister against his errors or any sin... if it be not more an applause than a reprehension, they take it as an injury almost insufferable  (Speak Quotes) Page 61: No matter where I go in the world, although I can’t speak any foreign language, I don’t feel out of place. I think of earth as my home. If everyone thought this way, people might notice just how foolish international friction is and the would be put an end to it  (Speak Quotes) The young women of today, free to study, to speak, to write, to choose their occupation, should remember that every inch of this freedom was bought for them at a great price. It is for them to show their gratitude by helping onward the reforms of their own times, by spreading the light of freedom and of truth still wider. The debt that each generation owes to the past it must pay to the future  (Speak Quotes) The nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the unconscious, the love of life for the suicidal, the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, a means of locomotion for the infant, the knowledge and confidence of the young mother, and a voice for those too weak to speak  (Speak Quotes) No man who respects his mother or loves his sister, can speak disparagingly of any woman; however low she may seem to have sunk, she is still a woman. I want every man to remember this. Every woman is, or, at some time, has been a sister or daughter  (Speak Quotes) Ye want to tell the plain truth all your life, woman, and speak straight; otherwise ye get to seeing double  (Speak Quotes) Do you want to injure someone’s reputation? Don’t speak ill of him, speak too well  (Speak Quotes) When I look on you a moment, then I can speak no more, but my tongue falls silent, and at once a delicate flame courses beneath my skin, and with my eyes I see nothing, and my ears hum, and a wet sweat bathes me and a trembling seizes me all over  (Speak Quotes) I support this proposal and agree with this great and important initiative to abolish militarism and war. I will continue to speak out for an end to the institution of militarism and war and for institutions built on international law and human rights and nonviolent conflict resolution  (Speak Quotes) We all need friends with whom we can speak of our deepest concerns, and who do not fear to speak the truth in love to us  (Speak Quotes) Even if a man should chance to speak the most complete truth, yet he himself does not know it; all things are wrapped in appearances  (Speak Quotes) People in suburbia see trees differently than foresters do. They cherish every one. It is useless to speak of the probability that a certain tree will die when the tree is in someone’s backyard... You are talking about a personal asset, a friend, a monument, not about board feet of lumber  (Speak Quotes) Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt  (Speak Quotes) We speak the love language, they speak from pain and anguish.Some don’t love theyselves, so they perception is tainted  (Speak Quotes) The red tape for family members who want to speak to a loved one is a reality,... The warehousing of prisoners is a reality... All of this needs to be looked at, not just medical care  (Speak Quotes) Actions speak louder than words. Businesses must act. Once the door to social consciousness is opened, bring the spirit of your company through it to affect change  (Speak Quotes) To us is given the honor of striking a blow for freedom which will live in history and in the better days that lie ahead men will speak with pride of our doings  (Speak Quotes) I learned early on that one of the secrets to campus leadership was the simplest thing of all: speak to people coming down the sidewalk before they speak to you. I did that in college. I did it when I carried my papers. I would always look ahead and speak to the person coming toward me. If I knew them, I would call them by name, but even if I didn’t I would still speak to them. Before long, I probably knew more students than anybody in the university, and they recognized me and considered me their friend  (Speak Quotes) Even if you weren’t born with a genetically perfect body, you can take something like a hand, where everyone has the same capabilities, and you can make it speak. You can make it speak in many different ways  (Speak Quotes) It’s much easier to be convincing if you care about your topic. Figure out what’s important to you about your message and speak from the heart  (Speak Quotes) These women need to feel that we’re all aware of what they may be going through, to give them the confidence to speak out  (Speak Quotes) Learn from cinema. Be economic with descriptions. Sort out the telling detail from the lifeless one. Write dialogue that people would actually speak  (Speak Quotes) It is a world not of angels but of angles, where men speak of moral principles but act on power principles; a world where we are always moral and our enemies always immoral;  (Speak Quotes) For the virtuoso, musical works are in fact nothing but tragic and moving materializations of his emotions; he is called upon to make them speak, weep, sing and sigh, to recreate them in accordance with his own consciousness. In this way he, like the composer, is a creator, for he must have within himself those passions that he wishes to bring so intensely to life  (Speak Quotes) If brains have brought us to what we are in now, I think it is time to allow our hearts to speak. When our sons are killed by the millions, let us, mothers, only try to do good by going to the kings and emperors without any other danger than a refusal  (Speak Quotes) Secrets are my currency: I deal in them for a living. The secrets of desire, of what people really want, and of what they fear the most. The secrets of why love is difficult, sex complicated, living painful and death so close and yet placed far away. Why are pleasure and punishment closely related? How do our bodies speak? Why do we make ourselves ill? Why do you want to fail? Why is pleasure hard to bear?  (Speak Quotes) The world taught women nothing skillful and then said her work was valueless. It permitted her no opinions and said she did not know how to think. It forbade her to speak in public and said the sex had no orators. It denied her the schools, and said the sex had no genius. It robbed her of every vestige of responsibility, and then called her weak. It taught her that every pleasure must come as a favor from men and when, to gain it, she decked herself in paint and fine feathers, as she had been taught to do, it called her vain  (Speak Quotes) I wish that all those, who on this night are not merry enough to speak before they think, may ever after be grave enough to think before they speak!  (Speak Quotes)
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