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Every hooker I ever speak to tells me that it beats the hell out of waitressing  (Speak Quotes) We ought at least, from prudence, never to speak of ourselves, because that is a subject on which we may be sure that other people’s views are never in accordance with our own  (Speak Quotes) If there is a category of human being for whom his work ought to speak for itself, it is the writer  (Speak Quotes) What we call the freedom of the individual is not just the luxury of one intellectual to write what he likes to write but his being a voice which can speak for those who are silent  (Speak Quotes) It’s really difficult to have your voice heard and feared when you both speak softly and carry a twig  (Speak Quotes) If the whole world should agree to speak nothing but truth, what an abridgment it would make of speech! And what an unravelling there would be of the invisible webs which men, like so many spiders, now weave about each other!  (Speak Quotes) Speak to all men as you do to yourself, with no concern for the effect you make, so that you do not shut them out from your world; lest in isolation the meaning of life slips out of sight and you lose the belief in the perfection of creation  (Speak Quotes) I think it can be tremendously refreshing if a creator of literature has something on his mind other than the history of literature so far. Literature should not disappear up its own asshole, so to speak  (Speak Quotes) I speak with dogs frequently. They don’t really talk, but I feel they’re communicating  (Speak Quotes) On the film where I didn’t get along with the director, I just decided to not speak to him  (Speak Quotes) I would never speak about specifics in my own relationships because I think it’s tacky. If you seriously want to know, listen to the music  (Speak Quotes) You are a fool to speak of last great battles... for the last great battle is always the next one  (Speak Quotes) Hey man, so can you speak to dolphins and pilot whales with that forehead of yours?  (Speak Quotes) You ever wake up in the middle of the night because a couple of cats are clawing each other to death outside your window? That’s what it’s like listening to you speak  (Speak Quotes) Dogs are voiceless... a critical part of having dogs is emotional responsibility: learning how to understand them and, when necessary, to speak and act on their behalf  (Speak Quotes) Aside from the collective gain that comes from that free interchange of ideas, there is a direct personal value for the individual concerned. Each of us should have the right to speak his thoughts and to hear the thoughts of others  (Speak Quotes) Before you speak, my friend, remember, a spiritual man contain his anger. Angry words are like slap in de face  (Speak Quotes) Sometimes when I’m talking, my words can’t keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice  (Speak Quotes) While it is all very well to distinguish happiness that is transient from that which is lasting, between ephemeral and genuine happiness, the only happiness it is meaningful to speak of when a person is dying from thirst is access to water  (Speak Quotes) Ale is meat, drink and cloth; it will make a cat speak and a wise man dumb  (Speak Quotes) When I liberate myself, I liberate others. If you don’t speak out ain’t nobody going to speak out for you  (Speak Quotes) Speak to your people as to men that must be awakened, either here or in hell  (Speak Quotes) We’re boxed in and labeled before we’re ever able to speak who we believe we are or who we dream we’ll become  (Speak Quotes) Myths of the heroes speak most eloquently of man’s quest to choose life over death  (Speak Quotes) Words like meditation, karma, samskaras, they’re just words. You can get into the jargon, you can speak it, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be any freer  (Speak Quotes) When I speak of tantric yoga, I’m speaking of a type of yoga that is best practiced by persons who live in society. It’s a yoga for the last yuga  (Speak Quotes) We are many, many selves. We’re not just a finite being. The selves don’t necessarily speak in words. But they are you  (Speak Quotes) You can always speak with great authority on how well you played today, but never on how you’ll play tomorrow  (Speak Quotes) You get a very different type of education if you go out to the desert, to the places of power, places where it is easy to cross over from one dimensional plane to another, where power hovers, so to speak  (Speak Quotes) I think I can speak on behalf of women and say that every woman wants a man who just loves them and lusts after them  (Speak Quotes)
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