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I don’t want to be some actor talking about how he wants to be a musician. It’s something I’m really passionate about and I don’t want to be spouting off at the mouth about something before it’s out there and can speak for itself  (Speak Quotes) If you are telling the truth, then you can speak gently, and your words will have power  (Speak Quotes) Many children fly like birds, guess other people’s dreams, and speak with ghosts, but... they all outgrow it when they lose their innocence  (Speak Quotes) I wasn’t allowed to speak while my husband was alive, and since he’s gone no one has been able to shut me up  (Speak Quotes) When we speak of beauty, we’re speaking of something we’re more or less indifferent to  (Speak Quotes) I am above eighty years old... I suppose I am about the only colored woman that goes about to speak for the rights of the colored women. I want to keep the thing stirring, now that the ice is cracked  (Speak Quotes) It was not the purpose of poetry to record anything and everything, to merely describe either the outer world or some subjective mood, but to speak from the imagination of the poet to the imagination of the reader  (Speak Quotes) As one of the dumb, voiceless ones I speak. One of the millions of immigrants beating, beating out their hearts at your gates for a breath of understanding  (Speak Quotes) When I hear the deepest truths I speak coming out of my mouth sounding like my mother’s, even remembering how I fought against her, I have to reassess both our relationship as well as the sources of my knowing  (Speak Quotes) I believe only in money, not in love or tenderness. Love and tenderness meant only pain and suffering and defeat. I would not let it ruin me as it ruined others! I would speak only with money, hard money  (Speak Quotes) I am hopeful that others who have suffered sexual harassment will not become discouraged by my experience, but instead will find the strength to speak out about this serious problem  (Speak Quotes) Where I have seen good I shall speak of it with pleasure, and where I have seen the reverse, I shall try to be silent; for a book is meant to give pleasure, and pain that is inflicted in black and white lasts for ever  (Speak Quotes) I can imagine nothing more tiresome than always to speak of people as if they were listening at the door  (Speak Quotes) Consider the way you speak and your use of language; it’s a reflection of your warrior spirit  (Speak Quotes) Doesn’t matter what language you speak or what clothes you wear. Some things don’t change. Families. Friends. Lovers. They’re the same in every city in every country in every continent of the world  (Speak Quotes) Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you, as a shadow clings to a form  (Speak Quotes) When you speak openly and honestly, you won’t have to make assumptions. The day you stop making assumptions, you will communicate cleanly and clearly, and achieve impeccability with your word  (Speak Quotes) I think as a celebrity, we have to teach the young generation how to speak with the old generation  (Speak Quotes) That a viewer does not see what the artist intended does not make the composition a failure... In reality all artists speak first to themselves and then to an audience  (Speak Quotes) The facts speak only when the historian calls on them: it is he who decides to which facts to give the floor, and in what order or context  (Speak Quotes) We’ve all been hurt by words before. So before you speak, think about how your words might affect someone else  (Speak Quotes) I’ve never met a politician I haven’t wanted to walk away from, and I’ve yet to hear a politician speak and actually believe the words coming out of his mouth  (Speak Quotes) I’ve realized that you become a bully if you are just watching someone get bullied and you don’t say anything. Speak up!  (Speak Quotes) Sometimes I think, I need to think before I speak. And then other times I think, I shouldn’t leave the house or interact with people ever  (Speak Quotes) It’s quite a job, so to speak, when you can really be with your child for 21 out of 24 hours  (Speak Quotes) I consider myself a pretty good conversationalist, but you wind up being downgraded to idiot status when you don’t speak the language!  (Speak Quotes) My mum said she remembers me asking her if she’d take me to ballet lessons when I was about two and a half. She said I could barely speak, and yet was asking for ballet lessons  (Speak Quotes) For years, I was often afraid to speak up when I didn’t fully understand a script. I’d tie myself in knots  (Speak Quotes) They say actions speak louder than words, but actions don’t speak. People speak, and people are loud  (Speak Quotes) When I was 17, I was so shy I could barely speak or introduce myself to anyone  (Speak Quotes)
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