Speaking Quotes

Text Quotes
Let us refuse to be silent! Speaking freely is a decisive step forward on the road to freedom (Speaking Quotes)
Perhaps we have been guilty of speaking against someone and have not realized how it may have hurt them. Then when someone speaks against us, we suddenly realize how deeply such words hurt, and we become sensitive to what we have done (Speaking Quotes)
There is no mystery about successful business... Exclusive attention to the person who is speaking to you (Speaking Quotes)
There’s no point putting your heart and soul into a part when you know in advance it isn’t worth the trouble. I’m not speaking as a dedicated actress. Enthusiasm and hard work are requisites for any job a person undertakes. I tried working just for money once and it made me almost physically ill (Speaking Quotes)
Acting is the art of speaking in a loud, clear voice and the avoidance of bumping into the furniture (Speaking Quotes)
The apocalypse is now! Americans know this, that the only hope is the flying saucers. Do you know how I see the world? Like a person who is dying. It’s a worm who is dying to make a butterfly. We must not stop the worm from dying, we must help the worm to die to help the butterfly to be born. We need to dance with death. This world is dying, but very well. We will make a big, big enormous butterfly. You and I will be the first movements in the wings of the butterfly because we are speaking like this (Speaking Quotes)
Speaking as he unintentionally launched his farewell tour by announcing that the 2000 season would be his last before retirement: Honestly, I had never, ever in my wildest dreams believed I would ever do this. All I wanted to do was to play it out and when it was time to go, hang it up, take off and sail into the sunset somewhere (Speaking Quotes)
In the course of normal speaking the inhibitory function of the will is continuously directed to bringing the course of ideas and the articulatory movements into harmony with each other. If the expressive movement which which follows the idea is retarded through mechanical causes, as is the case in writing... such anticipations make their appearance with particular ease (Speaking Quotes)
Education in philosophy is energy speaking to energy, a higher perspective of spirit that is trying to awaken its next natural generation to something beyond the stupid appearances of things (Speaking Quotes)
One day you and I will have to have a little talk about this business called love. I still don’t understand what it’s all about. My guess is that it’s just a gigantic hoax, invented to keep people quiet and diverted. Everyone talks about love: the priests, the advertising posters, the literati, and the politicians, those of them who make love. And in speaking of love and offering it as a panacea for every tragedy, they would and betray and kill both body and soul (Speaking Quotes)
The machine does not teach playing flexibility, does not help in taking account of human facxtors in the battle, and on whole, strictly speaking, it restricts the possibilities for young players (Speaking Quotes)
People confound, misuse, interchange thinking and speaking, not realizing that speaking is for communication and thinking is for action (Speaking Quotes)
The most dangerous silence is noise; noise keeps us from hearing what we need to hear or from speaking what we need to speak (Speaking Quotes)
Animal experiments occupy a central place in the material and spiritual edifice of our whole civilization. We are speaking here of one of those foundation stones whose removal could cause the whole house to collapse (Speaking Quotes)
The idea is to become an old wizard; to live a long and fruitful life and have family and be healthy and enjoy the ride. And speaking of the ride, why not let it rip, at least a little bit? Everyone I know who’s really stoked about getting out of bed in the morning does that to some extent (Speaking Quotes)
I have always been unsatisfied with life as most people live it. Always I want to live more intensely and richly. why muck and conceal one’s true longings and loves, when by speaking of them one might find someone to understand them, and by acting on them one might discover oneself? (Speaking Quotes)
Why are there organized beings? Why is there something rather than nothing? Here again, I fully understand a scientist who refuses to ask it. He is welcome to tell me that the question does not make sense. Scientifically speaking, it does not. Metaphysically speaking, however, it does. Science can account for many things in the world; it may some day account for all that which the world of phenomena actually is. But why anything at all is, or exists, science knows not, precisely because it cannot even ask the question (Speaking Quotes)
Physically it’s exhausting to cook every night. Existentially speaking, I have so much more energy having that time to myself in this project, this gift to myself at the end of the day. Even if it didn’t go smoothly, it was still a gift (Speaking Quotes)
To speak today of a famous novelist is like speaking of a famous cabinetmaker or speedboat designer. Adjective is inappropriate to noun (Speaking Quotes)
A brook can be a friend in a special way. It talks to you with splashy gurgles. It cools your toes and lets you sit quietly beside it when you don’t feel like speaking (Speaking Quotes)
You can be the outcast or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love. Or you can start speaking up (Speaking Quotes)
A successful life is an authentic life. Happiness and creativity rest on a foundation of transparency to yourself and others. Knowing your own heart and speaking clearly to others keep you on the path (Speaking Quotes)
Speaking passionately from the very center of who you are is compelling, forceful, persuasive: that’s what leadership sounds like (Speaking Quotes)
Speakers find joy in public speaking when they realize that a speech is all about the audience, not the speaker. Most speakers are so caught up in their own concerns and so driven to cover certain points or get a certain message across that they can’t be bothered to think in more than a perfunctory way about the audience. And the irony is, of course, that there is no hope of getting your message across if that’s all the energy you put into the audience. So let go, and give the moment to the audience (Speaking Quotes)
When truthsayers have the courage to say the emperor is wearing no clothes, whether you agree with their point of view or not, send them love. They are to be acknowledged for speaking their truth (Speaking Quotes)
Cookery, or the art of preparing good and wholesome food, and of preserving all sorts of alimentary substances in a state fit for human sustenance, or rendering that agreeable to the taste which is essential to the support of life, and of pleasing the palate without injury to the system, is, strictly speaking, a branch of chemistry; but, important as it is both to our enjoyments and our health, it is also one of the latest cultivated branches of the science (Speaking Quotes)
The purpose of pure science is to observe phenomena and to trace their laws; the purpose of art is to produce, modify, or destroy. Strictly speaking there is no such thing as applied science, for, the moment the attempt is made to apply, science passes into the realm of art (Speaking Quotes)
More women speaking up and seizing the helm of power can create its own momentum. It can change the culture that helps perpetuate those external forces (Speaking Quotes)
In every enterprise... the mind is always reasoning, and, even when we seem to act without a motive, an instinctive logic still directs the mind. Only we are not aware of it, because we begin by reasoning before we know or say that we are reasoning, just as we begin by speaking before we observe that we are speaking, and just as we begin by seeing and hearing before we know what we see or what we hear (Speaking Quotes)
When I’m 70 I might be a man in a park just wandering around, speaking in tongues with kids throwing bread at me (Speaking Quotes)