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Opening your heart and being courageous and telling people that you care about them or like them or that you think they’re special only makes you a better, bigger, kinder, softer, more loving person, and only attracts more love into your life  (Special Quotes) To me, ballads are special, because you can have a pop song that’ll be know for three weeks and then you’ll hear nothing else about it. Nobody else will record it and it’ll just be gone. But if you do a good ballad, it’ll be in the world forever  (Special Quotes) When you have a special gift you don’t realize it because you think everyone else has the same gift  (Special Quotes) All our science is just a cookery book, with an orthodox theory of cooking that nobody’s allowed to question, and a list of recipes that mustn’t be added to except by special permission from the head cook  (Special Quotes) Have I told you I have cancer? It’s a very special kind of cancer. Cancer of the soul  (Special Quotes) Analyzing through special insight and realizing the lack of inherent existence constitute understanding of the signless  (Special Quotes) The audience knows the truth, the world is simple. It’s miserable, solid all the way through. But if you could fool them, even for a second, then you can make them wonder, and then you got to see something really special  (Special Quotes) Fear, in evolution, has a special prominence: perhaps more than any other emotion it is crucial for survival  (Special Quotes) Every businessman is in favor of freedom for everybody else, but when it comes to himself that’s a different question. He’s always the special case. He ought to get special privileges from the government, a tariff, this, that and the other thing  (Special Quotes) It is a mistake to think that one limits one’s risk by spreading too much between enterprises about which one knows little and has no reason for special confidence  (Special Quotes) Zen is not some fancy, special art of living. Our teaching is just to live, always in reality, in its exact sense. To make our effort, moment after moment, is our way  (Special Quotes) Cats aren’t special advisers. They advise us all the time, whether we want them to or no  (Special Quotes) In the birth of societies it is the chiefs of states who give it its special character; and afterward it is this special character that forms the chiefs of state  (Special Quotes) The objects in our system are instead a help to the child himself, he chooses what he wants for his own use, and works with it according to his own needs, tendencies and special interests. In this way, the objects become a means of growth  (Special Quotes) In her own special category, she was quite beautiful. This was the category of all the women, in his entire life, who had ever thought he was worth smiling at  (Special Quotes) If this is understood then things become very clear. Misery makes you special. Happiness is a universal phenomenon, there is nothing special about it  (Special Quotes) We’d love to be involved with the creation of something very special, something quite large and something quite exciting  (Special Quotes) Feminists want to be treated as equals, but at the same time they want special treatment  (Special Quotes) It is likewise to be observed that this society hath a peculiar chant and jargon of their own, that no other mortal can understand, and wherein all their laws are written, which they take special care to multiply  (Special Quotes) In this world, the greatest rewards of success, wealth and happiness are usually obtained not through the exercise of special powers such a genius or intellect but through one’s energetic use of simple means and ordinary qualities  (Special Quotes) Make the decision to love this day, this place, this moment, this special experience of life with the people around you. And there will be so very much to love  (Special Quotes) Life would be flat without music. It is the background to all I do. It speaks to the heart in its own special way like nothing else  (Special Quotes) There is nothing wrong with special occasion foods, as long as every day is not a special occasion  (Special Quotes) When another is asked a question, take special care not to interrupt to answer it yourself  (Special Quotes) You will begin to see your life as an opportunity to share the special gift you alone can bestow upon the world  (Special Quotes) The building is a special place because of its architecture; But it’s people who make it special by participating in it  (Special Quotes) Because the existing education system is oriented towards materialistic goals we need to pay special attention to inner values such as tolerance, forgiveness, love and compassion  (Special Quotes) There’s a special place in my heart for the ones who were with me at my lowest and still loved me when I wasn’t very loveable  (Special Quotes) Creativity is not the possession of some special talent. It’s about the willingness to play  (Special Quotes) It’s hard to have a relationship in this business... it’s gonna take a very special woman... or a bunch of average ones  (Special Quotes)
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