Special Quotes

Text Quotes
You know they are something special when no matter what kind of mood you’re in, they can always manage to make you smile (Special Quotes)
A woman doesn’t need a perfect man. She just needs a special guy who can accept her the way she is and make her feel special (Special Quotes)
Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion (Special Quotes)
A person is really special if s/he could bring out the sweetness in you no matter how unexpressive you are (Special Quotes)
I have been extremely fortunate to have incredibly special fans support my work throughout my twelve year career (Special Quotes)
Didn’t I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness (Special Quotes)
It’s hard to pretend to be friends with someone special when every time you look at that person, all you see is everything you want to have (Special Quotes)
My bed and I have a special relationship, we’re perfect for each other. But my alarm clock just hates seeing us together (Special Quotes)
Focus on the future, not on the past because better days lie ahead. You are indeed a very special friend. Good day (Special Quotes)
For once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me. I want someone to actually put in all of their effort. Make me feel special (Special Quotes)
Chance throws peculiar conditions in everyone’s way. If we apply intelligence, patience and special vision, we are rewarded with new creative breakthroughs (Special Quotes)
Anyone can make you smile, anyone can make you cry, but it takes a special person to make you smile with tears in your eyes (Special Quotes)
To be good to yourself... Sometimes it seems that takes a special talent all its own (Special Quotes)
I’ve been realizing lately that I really don’t want anyone special in my life because every time I look I get let down. Time to let love find me (Special Quotes)
The only thing harder than walking away from something special, is looking back and not crying (Special Quotes)
Your wealth of joy and happiness is always worth more when you share it with someone special (Special Quotes)
Remember, no matter what we look like, we are all here for a reason, and have our own unique and special place in the world, so embrace each other from your heart (Special Quotes)
Anyone can see a pretty girl, but it takes special people to see an old lady and to be able to see the pretty woman she must have been (Special Quotes)
Most guys are players until that one special girl comes along that makes them lose their game (Special Quotes)
I try to never lose sight of what a special time it is to be a women’s basketball player (Special Quotes)
Don’t let yourself be someone that people can underestimate. Live your life to the fullest and show them how special you are (Special Quotes)
Meditation is simplicity itself. One is to just let go, nothing special is supposed to happen (Special Quotes)
Anyone can come into your life and say how much they love you. It takes someone special to stay in your life and show how much they love you (Special Quotes)
And I have come to realize that hes just a guy, a special one maybe, but hes not mine. And I don’t need to do things to make him love me. If he wanted to he would (Special Quotes)
Don’t be afraid to feel what you’re feeling. Try to remember that you are not alone, you are very loved, very needed, and very special (Special Quotes)
Life is so stupid an ordinary person makes you smile and a very special person always makes us cry. Still we care for the special one (Special Quotes)
It’s amazing how one person can make you feel so special even though they live so far away (Special Quotes)
When you meet someone special, you’ll know. Your heart will beat more rapidly and you’ll smile for no reason (Special Quotes)
Everyone will hurt you. You just need to find that special someone who know how to apologize and make it up to you when they have hurt you (Special Quotes)
Each generation takes a special pleasure in removing the household gods of its parents from their pedestals, and consigning them to the cupboard (Special Quotes)