Speech Quotes

Text Quotes
There is no real teacher who in practise does not believe in the existence of the soul, or in a magic that acts on it through speech. (Speech Quotes)
The skeptic, being a lover of his kind, desires to cure by speech, as best he can, the self-conceit and rashness of the dogmatists. (Speech Quotes)
I think the interview form works best on the radio. There are a lot of personality traits conveyed in a person’s voice, the rhythm of their speech or how confident they sound. (Speech Quotes)
In every stump speech I give, I speak about the fact that people who dream and achieve enormous success do not make us poorer - they make us better off. (Speech Quotes)
The message that President Obama delivered in his speech at Notre Dame was: morality is immoral. Pro-life is the extremist position, not a moral position. Yet we should compromise and work to reduce abortions. Where’s the compromise between life and death - and why work to reduce the number of them occurring if there’s nothing wrong with them? (Speech Quotes)
Mentioning Jesus in your speech: Small government. Doing what Jesus asked: Big government. (Speech Quotes)
It definitely sharpened my interest in language, the way people used language, slang words, speech patterns. There’s a big advantage to being the outsider. (Speech Quotes)
Hatemongers like Media Matters take innocent statements like mine, Rush Limbaugh’s, John Gibson’s, and Bill O’Reilly’s and make them offensive by posting them on the Internet, allowing the general public to hear words that were meant for people who already agree with us. Hey, Media Matters, you want to end offensive speech? Then stop recording it for people who would be offended. (Speech Quotes)
The Bill of Rights was intended to secure freedom of speech - the freedom of speech of members of parliament to speak freely rather than be at threat of... the threat of an over powerful monarch at the time. (Speech Quotes)
I gave a funny speech at my wife’s birthday party, and I’m thinking, ‘Hey, I’ve still got it.’ (Speech Quotes)
Social media changed Chinese mindset. More and more Chinese intend to embrace freedom of speech and human rights as their birthright, not some imported American privilege. But also, it gave the Chinese a national public sphere for people to, it’s like a training of their citizenship, preparing for future democracy. (Speech Quotes)
No matter how much strong black coffee we drink, almost any after- dinner speech will counteract it. (Speech Quotes)
Criticism of government finds sanctuary in several portions of the 1st Amendment. It is part of the right of free speech. It embraces freedom of the press. (Speech Quotes)
I give a speech to the black freshmen at Harvard each year, and I say, ‘You can like Mozart and ice hockey...’ - and then I used to say ‘golf,’ but Tiger took over golf! - ‘and Picasso and still be as black as the ace of spades.’ (Speech Quotes)
The problem with people who live in a world of speeches and books and theories is they don’t know how to fix things in the real world when they go wrong. They feign ignorance, blame others, and make another eloquent speech. (Speech Quotes)
In real life, people fumble their words. They repeat themselves and stare blankly off into space and don’t listen properly to what other people are saying. I find that kind of speech fascinating but screenwriters never write dialogue like that because it doesn’t look good on the page. (Speech Quotes)
The Obama administration has turned a blind eye to radical Islam since before they came to office. If you look at everything that’s transpired since the famous Cairo speech in 2009, it’s all been an embrace of those who are the most radical elements in that part of the world. That is not a good sign for America’s foreign policy. (Speech Quotes)
With true free speech has to come an understanding of when and when not to use it. But you can’t legislate that. It must be voluntary - especially in a world where a whisper can reach a million people in an eye blink. (Speech Quotes)
Speech within the kingdom of Amazonia - run by its sovereign Jeff Bezos and his board of directors with help from the wise counsel and judgment of the company’s executives - is not protected in the same way that speech is constitutionally protected in America’s public spaces. (Speech Quotes)
Nobody is capable of of free speech unless he knows how to use language, and such knowledge is not a gift: it has to learned and worked at. [p.93] (Speech Quotes)
Readers in general are not fond of dialect, and I don’t blame them. I’ve read books myself that I’ve had to put down because sounding out every speech gave me a headache. (Speech Quotes)
It’s likely that taboo words are stored in the right hemisphere of the brain. Massive left hemisphere strokes or the entire surgical removal of the left hemisphere can leave people with no articulate speech other than the ability to swear, spout cliches and song lyrics. (Speech Quotes)
Forget about speech problems just saying the words brain surgery sucks the air out of a room (Speech Quotes)
I’m part of a speech therapy programme called the McGuire Programme. It teaches you a new way to breathe, a new way to speak, a brand new way of tackling the mind-sets that come with having a speech impediment. Mainly, it teaches you how to slow things down, and that has really helped me. (Speech Quotes)
After graduating college in 2001 with a B. A. in Political Science and Speech Communications from Texas State University - San Marcos, I realized that my generation and those younger had been given no future and had been maliciously robbed of the knowledge of principles and methods necessary for building one. (Speech Quotes)
I’m not in the speech making business. I’m not in the seminar business. I’m not in the writing book business. I’m in the changing lives business. (Speech Quotes)
I feel like a failure. The expression comes so naturally that we forget it is a figure of speech: the language of business applied to the soul. (Speech Quotes)
The principle of academic freedom is designed to make sure that powers outside the university, including government and corporations, are not able to control the curriculum or intervene in extra-mural speech. (Speech Quotes)
Maybe when they no longer receive Sierra magazine in their mailboxes, journalists will understand how campaign finance reform abridges free speech. (Speech Quotes)
We are very frustrated because we have a Supreme Court that seems determined to say that the wealthier have more right to free speech than the rest of us. For example, they say you couldn’t stop me from spending all the money I’ve saved over the last five years on Hillary’s campaign if I wanted to, even though it would clearly violate the spirit of campaign finance reform. (Speech Quotes)