Spinning Quotes

Text Quotes
You live long enough in a world spinning on its axis, you learn to spin in the same direction (Spinning Quotes)
My head was spinning, I had never seen blood. Four years old, this don’t feel like love (Spinning Quotes)
Einstein said that he never could understand it all, the planets spinning in space, the smile upon your face (Spinning Quotes)
I just stood there, looking at her. My head was spinning, my mouth dry, and all I could think about was that I wanted to go someplace safe, someplace I could be alone and okay, and that this was impossible. My old life had changed and my new one was still in progress, altering by the second. There was nothing, nothing to depend on. And why was I surprised? (Spinning Quotes)
My small torrent of words dissipated into an elaborate sense of expanding and receding. It was my entrance into the radiance of imagination. This process was especially magnified within the fevers of influenza, measles, chickenpox, and mumps. I got them all and with each I was privileged with a new level of awareness. Lying deep within myself, the symmetry of a snowflake spinning above me, intensifying through my lids, I seized a most worthy souvenir, a shard of heaven’s kaleidoscope (Spinning Quotes)
We are reinventing the world. We’ve set the ball spinning with little concern for where and how it’s going to stop (Spinning Quotes)
Times might be tough, your head and thoughts might be spinning, but I find it’s physically impossible to do that spiral thing when your mind is focused on giving and creating opportunity (Spinning Quotes)
I don’t like giving names to generations. It’s like trying to read the song title on a record that’s spinning (Spinning Quotes)
All work, even cotton spinning, is noble; work is alone noble... A life of ease is not for any man, nor for any God (Spinning Quotes)
It’s a purging of sorts. Like, when you’re all done doing your laundry and it’s fresh and bright, but washing the clothes, you wouldn’t want to get in while it’s spinning around (Spinning Quotes)
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother (Spinning Quotes)
‘Having it all’ is such an intimidating concept. Just when you think you have all those plates spinning perfectly... something changes. It is a constant balancing act (Spinning Quotes)
One small changed family doesn’t calculate into a world that has been spinning for a billion years. But one small change makes the world spin differently in a billion ways for one family (Spinning Quotes)
We have no future because our present is too volatile. We have only risk management. The spinning of the given moment’s scenarios. Pattern recognition (Spinning Quotes)
I so wanted out of this conversation, but it was like a car accident: Once you started spinning, you could only wait and see what you hit (Spinning Quotes)
Thoughts race, as if, in a mind devoid of memory, each idea has too much space to grow and move, to collide with others in a shower of sparks before spinning off into its own distance (Spinning Quotes)
Drug addicts are so funny that way. Just spinning around, lost in their own little world. Doing so much, accomplishing so little. How sad (Spinning Quotes)
I walk into a kids’ store, and it’s amazing, the types of instruments - little squeaky things, rattling things, spinning tops (Spinning Quotes)
Boo, Forever Spinning like a ghost on the bottom of a top, I’m haunted by all the space that I will live without you (Spinning Quotes)
For writing a first draft requires from the writer a peculiar internal state which ordinary life does not induce... how to set yourself spinning? (Spinning Quotes)
I think this journal will be disadvantageous for me, for I spend my time now like a spider spinning my own entrails (Spinning Quotes)
There’s absolutely nothing irrational about me; insane, yes, irrational, no. But my dumbest fear would be spinning in the magic tea cups. Who the hell wants to pay to spin around like a bent yoyo for laughs? (Spinning Quotes)
If you will express the requisite purity of character in action, you cannot do it better than through the spinning wheel (Spinning Quotes)
I needed a way to have the platter continuously spinning while I’m moving the record back and forth. I went to a fabric store. When I touched this hairy stuff - felt - I found it. I rubbed spray starch on both sides and ironed it until it became a stiff wafer. After that, I was able to stop time. (Spinning Quotes)
The spinning wheel is as much a necessity of Indian life as air and water (Spinning Quotes)
I’ve never been a big fan of subtle art. I like art that gets deep into my head and starts my brain spinning with new ideas and inspiration and my whole body is full of energy. (Spinning Quotes)
Having it all’ is such an intimidating concept. Just when you think you have all those plates spinning perfectly... something changes. It is a constant balancing act. (Spinning Quotes)
As usual, my mind is spinning in it me? Am I making mountains out of molehills? Being too analytical? Worrying about nothing? Being emotional? (Spinning Quotes)
The sensation of writing a book is the sensation of spinning, blinded by love and daring. It is the sensation of a stunt pilot’s turning barrel rolls, or an inchworm’s blind rearing from a stem in search of a route. At its worst, it feels like alligator wrestling, at the level of the sentence. (Spinning Quotes)
My head was spinning, I had never seen blood. Four years old, this don’t feel like love. (Spinning Quotes)