Spiritual Quotes

Text Quotes
When you are a great scholar of stupidity, logics and marketing, you can do practically everthing, from business to trading, from spiritual research to artistic criticism. (Spiritual Quotes)
In any spiritual undertaking, God’s first order of business is to see to the spiritual health of His people. (Spiritual Quotes)
But I can no longer ready any faith’s Napoleonic saber rattling without picturing smoking rubble on cable news. I guess if I had to pick a spiritual figurehead to possess the deed to the entirety of Earth, I’d go with Buddha, but only because he wouldn’t want it. (Spiritual Quotes)
It’s not listed in the Bible, but my spiritual gift, my specific calling from God, is to be a television talk-show host. (Spiritual Quotes)
There’s no greatest moment in the arts. It’s a life, it’s a continuity thing. You can’t have a great moment because it’s spiritual. It’s a belief, it’s a calling. If you’re an artist, doing your own thing on your own, it’s while you’re doing it that counts. It’s a process. If you get too elated, you can get too depressed. (Spiritual Quotes)
And God is always calling me to open myself to all kinds of people that I’ve never thought about before and also calling me on this inward spiritual journey. (Spiritual Quotes)
I have a cousin who is a spiritual advisor for Native veterans in Canada, so I’m very familiar with the history of Natives in the military. And growing up as an American Indian myself, the story of Ira Hayes is one that is often told. (Spiritual Quotes)
For pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense. (Spiritual Quotes)
The better cancer patients understand why they are here on this planet and what their spiritual purpose is, the better their prognosis for survival. (Spiritual Quotes)
Every successful cancer treatment includes the following three ingredients: thorough detoxification, a change of diet and mental or spiritual work. (Spiritual Quotes)
You must make time daily to care for your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health (Spiritual Quotes)
Yoga teaches us both to let go and to have exquisite awareness in every moment. We remember our essential spiritual nature and life becomes more joyful, meaningful, and carefree. (Spiritual Quotes)
I think we have to be careful about what we label as a prerequisite for spirituality. I don’t think you have to know a lot to have a spiritual life, but knowing gives life richness. (Spiritual Quotes)
The hard struggle which the Pan-Germans fought with the Catholic Church can be accounted for only by their insufficient understanding of the spiritual nature of the people. (Spiritual Quotes)
I have spiritual beliefs that I could literally go out and make an entire comedy routine about, and tour as some sort of spiritual guru, but it kind of goes against that [as] I actually believe the things, so I’m always kind of caught in the middle. (Spiritual Quotes)
I’m very spiritual and I’m Jewish by faith. I’m not a practising Jew, I’m more of a recreational Jew. I celebrate the holidays and I try to inform my kids about their heritage because I think we all at some point have to defend our heritage and if they get picked on I want them to know why. (Spiritual Quotes)
Life requires of man spiritual elasticity, so that he may temper his efforts to the chances that are offered. (Spiritual Quotes)
The spiritual process has always been referred to as a journey - constant change (Spiritual Quotes)
Each tree has its own personality, I chose them by the way I felt at the moment. Sometimes they even change my sentiments. It’s kind of a spiritual experience. (Spiritual Quotes)
When two people in an intimate-couple relationship look at their interactions as opportunities to learn about themselves instead of change each other, they are infusing their relationship with the energy of spiritual partnership. (Spiritual Quotes)
Spiritual leadership is the power to change the atmosphere by one’s presence, the unconscious influence that makes Christ and spiritual things real to others. (Spiritual Quotes)
The experience of being in space didn’t change my perspective of myself or of the planet or of life. I had no spiritual experience. (Spiritual Quotes)
God isn’t interested in watching you enact some performance of personality in order to comply with some crackpot notion you have about how a spiritual person looks or behaves. We all seem to get this idea that, in order to be sacred, we have to make some massive, dramatic change of character, that we have to renounce our individuality. (Spiritual Quotes)
I love to see people win. You can literally see a person change through achievement on this emotional and spiritual level. (Spiritual Quotes)
The slightest cooperation with God’s grace can provoke a massive spiritual change (Spiritual Quotes)
Facing personal truths and purging yourself of addictions or manipulative habits require strength, courage, humility, faith, and other qualities of a soul with stamina, because you are not just changing yourself; you are changing your universe. Your soul is a compass. Change one coordinate in your spiritual compass and you change your entire life’s direction. (Spiritual Quotes)
What people resist the most about spiritual healing is changing their minds (Spiritual Quotes)
I always say that people should not rush to change religions. There is real value in finding the spiritual resources you need in your home religion. (Spiritual Quotes)
My mother’s belief in spiritual healers grew stronger after our family went through a rough patch following my father’s death. Sufi saint Karimullah Shah Kadri changed our lives, and all of us converted to Sufism. But it wasn’t an instantaneous decision - it took us 10 years to convert. The change in religion was like washing away the past. (Spiritual Quotes)
Spiritual formation is character formation. Everyone gets a spiritual formation. It’s like education. Everyone gets an education; it’s just a matter of which one you get. (Spiritual Quotes)