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Spitfire Quotes

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When I died my hair red the first time, I felt as if it was what nature intended. I have been accused of being a bit of a spitfire, so in that way, I absolutely live up to the stereotype. The red hair suits my personality. I was a terrible blonde!  (Spitfire Quotes) John: I’m experiencing an odd sensation. I think it might be patriotism. Spitfire: Steady. Too much of that can damage your health  (Spitfire Quotes) I got the nickname Spitfire for a reason - I burned inside to play volleyball  (Spitfire Quotes) I then realized my appearance was a bit odd. My right leg was no longer with me. It had caught somewhere in the top of the cockpit as I tried to leave my Spitfire  (Spitfire Quotes) Like the Spitfire it was immensely strong: a pilot had no need to fear the danger of pulling the wings off, no matter how desperate the situation became  (Spitfire Quotes) I think that the change began... I made a film a few years ago called the Spitfire Grill, and that didn’t make much money either, but it was a good film and an independent film  (Spitfire Quotes) Spitfire asked me if I had a problem talking about Van Halen or Extreme. I really don’t. There are people who are just going to want to know what it was like to play with Eddie  (Spitfire Quotes) Like the Spitfire it was immensely strong: a pilot had no need to fear the danger of pulling the wings off, no matter how desperate the situation became.  (Spitfire Quotes)