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Spokesman Quotes

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I consider myself as a free spokesman for the people  (Spokesman Quotes) Arnold has had his spokesman call me a crackpot. That was a mistake  (Spokesman Quotes) Being spokesman for a generation is the worst job I ever had  (Spokesman Quotes) Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source  (Spokesman Quotes) I’m speaking for all of us. I’m the spokesman for a generation  (Spokesman Quotes) I am not the Conservative Party’s health care spokesman. I’m fond of Andrew Lansley, and I strongly support David Cameron as party leader.  (Spokesman Quotes) I’ve completed half of my space training at Space City in Moscow. I love adventure, and I’ve been training in a centrifuge and MiG Fighter with a view to going into space and being a spokesman for space exploration!  (Spokesman Quotes) I’ve become a representative of the American Diabetes Association, and then I just became national spokesman for the American Heart Association for a campaign called The Heart of Diabetes, which brings the awareness of cardio-vascular disease to diabetics.  (Spokesman Quotes) An Internet rumor claims that John Kerry had an affair with a young woman. When asked if this was similar to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, a spokesman said ‘Close, but no cigar.’  (Spokesman Quotes) I accepted the role of spokesman for Lipitor because I am dedicated to the battle against heart disease, which killed my father at age 62 and motivated me to become a medical doctor.  (Spokesman Quotes) Kidney disease is a low-profile, unglamorous problem, a disease that disproportionately strikes minorities and the poor. Its celebrity spokesman is blue-collar comedian George Lopez, who received a kidney from his wife.  (Spokesman Quotes) I never saw myself as a spokesman for a generation. It was all a bit heavy for me. I saw myself as a songwriter and wrote for myself, which I still do, and I also wanted to communicate with my audience.  (Spokesman Quotes) I can’t be a spokesman for anything other than my own concerns. I have to be free to wrestle with my own preoccupations, and if I’m bringing any political awareness to that process, that mitigates my freedom.  (Spokesman Quotes) In all countries, most of the time, official spokesman and official liar are the same thing  (Spokesman Quotes) LL Cool J should be the spokesman for a line of pajamas called Ladies Love Cool Jammies  (Spokesman Quotes) As spokesman for Lipitor, I have been an advocate of preventive medicine in addition to my work with the Jarvik 2000 Heart, which has rescued people from death and sustained a patient with a normal, mobile lifestyle for seven and a half years - the longest in the world.  (Spokesman Quotes) I never dreamed I’d be a spokesman for anything. But Pac Bell just asked me. The money was OK; the scripts were fun because I had to do in 30 seconds what it takes a whole feature to do and because the dysfunctional family of agents, managers and lawyers who represent me said it was cool.  (Spokesman Quotes) Well, mostly I just want to be an actor. I love being an actor, and I don’t want to be a spokesman for anything, I don’t want to do anything crazy or fancy like that.  (Spokesman Quotes) I don’t want to be a spokesman for family values, but that’s the way my standup is perceived.  (Spokesman Quotes) In the glory days of Orioles, when I was a newbie baseball writer for the Post, the roster of talkers was as good as the everyday lineup. Singy - Ken Singleton - Flanny, and Cakes - the underwear spokesman Jim Palmer - were my go-to guys, occupying stalls along one wall of the shabby chic clubhouse.  (Spokesman Quotes) I do want to be a spokesman for clean cycling - I believe somebody has to stand up for the current generation. I’m happy to do that  (Spokesman Quotes) It’s easy to be a spokesman and ambassador for a great organization like the NBA. I thank Commissioner David Stern for putting that trust in me to serve the NBA around the globe  (Spokesman Quotes) My job is to be a spokesman - the spokesman, I suppose - for the President, for the White House, to do the daily briefings, to manage the press corps in terms of travel, day to day needs, access, interviews, all those issues  (Spokesman Quotes) I am not the Conservative Party’s health care spokesman. I’m fond of Andrew Lansley, and I strongly support David Cameron as party leader  (Spokesman Quotes) I’m a spokesman for myself. It just so happens that there’s a bunch of people that are concerned with what I have to say. I find that frightening at times because I’m just as confused as most people. I don’t have the answers for anything  (Spokesman Quotes) A writer is in the broadest sense a spokesman of his community. Through him that community comes to know its heart. Without such knowledge, how long can it survive?  (Spokesman Quotes) I can’t be a spokesman for anything other than my own concerns. I have to be free to wrestle with my own preoccupations, and if I’m bringing any political awareness to that process, that mitigates my freedom  (Spokesman Quotes) If being a spokesman for a generation is a fleeting occupation, being a symbol of an era is downright dangerous for anyone who has the bad luck to outlive it  (Spokesman Quotes) Misery which, through long ages, had no spokesman, no helper, will now be its own helper and speak for itself  (Spokesman Quotes) I’m an entertainer. Not a journalist or spokesman for anybody. Truth is, a lot of my listeners absolutely hate what I have to say  (Spokesman Quotes)
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