Spot Quotes

Text Quotes
About losing a spot on The Mickey Mouse Club to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera: I wanted to give up, but my family kept me going. (Spot Quotes)
I don’t turn Britney Spears into a star. I have to spot that these people are going to be stars, in the future, and say, Okay, these guys have cultural validity and they’re going to pop. (Spot Quotes)
Communication works best when we combine appropriateness with authenticity, finding that sweet spot where opinions are not brutally honest but delicately honest. (Spot Quotes)
I guess with the way that I’ve conducted myself I’m in the logical spot and I’m fine with that. Even my limited interactions with success have left me confused and bummed out, so I don’t think the two can co-exist. (Spot Quotes)
Indiana Jones: Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it’s truth you’re looking for, Dr. Tyree’s philosophy class is right down the hall. ... So forget any ideas you’ve got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and X never, ever marks the spot. Seventy percent of all archaeology is done in the library. Research. Reading. (Spot Quotes)
A lot of TV people buy more than one of an item, in case they spot or stain it, but I don’t like buying duplicates - it’s wasteful. (Spot Quotes)
Arabic is very twisting, very beautiful. The call to prayer is quite haunting; it almost makes you a believer on the spot. (Spot Quotes)
Executives do not on the whole do well with comedy. They can’t understand it, they can’t read it, they can’t spot it. (Spot Quotes)
My doctor found a spot on my lung. He told me it looked like adenocarcinoma, a cancer he attributes to smoking. He didn’t need to biopsy it. (Spot Quotes)
They wasn’t gonna give you nothin’. I didn’t care as long as they let me play my music. Cash on the spot... You cheat me and I’m gonna get me some money, too. (Spot Quotes)
I love vintage shopping, but my secret spot for great tees and casual stuff is Trico Field. They have the cutest kids’ clothes, too! (Spot Quotes)
I need to celebrate life because I’m in a good spot, I work hard, and I am happy with who I am and what I do for a living. (Spot Quotes)
While people out there on the spot certainly have to be held accountable for what they’ve done personally, the chain of command responsibility for this strikes me as just as important and should be dealt with. (Spot Quotes)
Your holiest pain comes from your yearning to change yourself in the exact way you’d like the world around you to change.... Your sweet spot is in between the true believers and the scoffing skeptics.... (Spot Quotes)
I went to college at University of South Carolina and dropped out of chemistry, and to fill a class, the only spot they had left was a theater class. It was so annoying, but I took it and then I thought it was the greatest thing; the most socially creative. I dropped out of school immediately and moved to New York to start acting. I was 19. (Spot Quotes)
I also have a soft spot for spicy chicken wings. They are always best eaten at dives and sports bars, like Wogie’s in the West Village, New York City, near my house. (Spot Quotes)
But I really do have a soft spot for the solo shows. Any musician who writes and sings will tell you that’s the center of it, that is it. It’s almost like there’s something church-like about it and you gotta go back there, if you’re a songwriter that sings your material. (Spot Quotes)
Those of you watching and listening, get a cup of coffee or a spot of tea and join us back here in just a few moments. (Spot Quotes)
I’ve always had a soft spot for comic books. I learned to read from them. The words in them were so interesting. (Spot Quotes)
Girls get competitive, as though there’s only one spot in the world for everything _ but that’s not true. We need to stick together and see there’s more to life than pleasing men. It’s important not to cut yourself off from female friendships. I think sometimes girls get scared of other girls, but you need each other. (Spot Quotes)
The world is constantly changing. You’re constantly learning and you have to be willing to get off your mark, and get off your spot and take that knowledge you have not to fix yourself into a place but to keep going. (Spot Quotes)
In a professional kitchen, the idea is to have your cooks not moving much while they’re cooking. You want them to stay in the same spot. (Spot Quotes)
Generals aren’t in the business of commenting on the correctness or incorrectness of the President’s decisions. Anybody who thinks he should be able to do that ought to be fired on the spot. (Spot Quotes)
The web presents an opportunity to showcase any character your sick mind desires. Want to create a cross-dressing, deaf/mute, corrupt politician who has a soft spot for saving children? Go for it! (Spot Quotes)
My dad died from cancer when I was 18, and my mom was in a really tough spot. So I wanted to try to help at home. I had started doing some technology consulting. (Spot Quotes)
I came from a Halloween-friendly home. My dad, Spencer, was a U.S. Marine captain. But when it came to Halloween, my dad had a soft spot. He would take his three sons and friends on escapades on Halloween night. (Spot Quotes)
I’m a sucker for a catchy song, and dance music. That’s my sweet spot. (Spot Quotes)
As a child, during the war, I drew Spitfires and Messerschmitts. With Spot, I found that I had designed a fuselage! His spot is on his side, the roundel marking of an English fighter plane, and the color bar of his tail is the color stripes of a plane’s rudder. (Spot Quotes)
If you’re rooted to a spot, you miss a lot of the grace. So you keep moving, and this is the way I think the world’s stories should be told - from many different perspectives. (Spot Quotes)
I love the little garden in the back of my family’s brownstone in Brooklyn. Digging out there in the dirt is a joy for me, although by the time August rolls around and my roses have black spot, I need the break winter provides. (Spot Quotes)