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Spotify Quotes

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Spotify has paid more than two billion dollars to labels, publishers and collecting societies for distribution to songwriters and recording artists  (Spotify Quotes) I think the next big thing in music, and it’s kind of because I come from the tech industry, is actually, I think it’s the platform... Spotify is incredibly interesting. I think the platform is becoming the star  (Spotify Quotes) The owner of Spotify is worth something like 3 billion dollars ... he’s richer than Paul McCartney and he’s 30 and he’s never written a song  (Spotify Quotes) There are a number of start-ups in Europe that are able to reach beyond their own country. Take Spotify - Spotify just in Sweden isn’t that interesting compared to Spotify all over the world.  (Spotify Quotes) I think the next big thing in music, and it’s kind of because I come from the tech industry, is actually, I think it’s the platform... Spotify is incredibly interesting. I think the platform is becoming the star.  (Spotify Quotes) Kids are taking music for free all the time. They have Spotify, Pandora... The record companies aren’t making the kind of music that they used to make. Artists make their money on tours, not from album sales.  (Spotify Quotes) Some artists and indie musicians see Spotify fairly positively - as a way of getting noticed, of getting your music out there where folks can hear it risk-free.  (Spotify Quotes) I’m down with Spotify. I don’t know all the financial details but generally it’s a great resource.  (Spotify Quotes)