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Spotted Quotes

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Everywhere I go I’m always spotted on the streets  (Spotted Quotes) I found Spotted Tail’s lodge. He invited me to enter  (Spotted Quotes) I played football; I was a running back, and I took a hit, and I had a hairline fracture in my leg which no one spotted, and I was playing basketball all winter and it got worse. And then I was long jumping, about 20 feet, and I landed one time and there was this big crack, and all the bones were jutting out of my leg.  (Spotted Quotes) Joe Biden was spotted with a bruise on his face that was apparently caused by his dog. I guess they collided when they both went after the same tennis ball  (Spotted Quotes) If we don’t preserve forest habitat for spotted owls, then soon we won’t have trees to refresh the air we breathe. And we’re realizing that this applies to social ecology, as well.  (Spotted Quotes) I bomb atomically, Socrates’ philosophies and hypotheses Can’t define how I be dropping these mockeries. Lyrically perform armed robbery, Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me...  (Spotted Quotes) Early on I saw the plastic quality in colored people and had friends among them; and later was to work from colored models and friends, including Paul Robeson, whose splendid head I worked from in New York. I tried to draw Chinamen in their quarter, but the Chinese did not like being drawn and would immediately disappear when they spotted me.  (Spotted Quotes) If there’s a pregnancy rumor, people will find out it’s not true when you wind up not being pregnant, like nine months from now, and if there’s a house rumor, they’ll find out it’s not true when you are actively not ever spotted at that house.  (Spotted Quotes) There are always signs that a reign is ending, and they are usually spotted not in the king himself but in his court. In the inner circle, latent jealousies between advisers spill into open conflict, as they angrily debate who is to blame for the calamity, chewing over each other’s past errors and pointing the finger at old and nascent enemies.  (Spotted Quotes) Every joke can’t be dazzling. And if you think you spotted an inconsistency, you did!  (Spotted Quotes) I had a role in ‘Crossroads’ when I was about 21, and then I went on to perform in ‘Small Change’ and then ‘Piaf’ in the Donmar Warehouse, London, and it was when I was there that some casting directors spotted me.  (Spotted Quotes) The old man laid a withered, spotted hand on his shoulder. It hurts, boy, he said softly. Oh, yes. Choosing . . . it has always hurt. And always will. I know.  (Spotted Quotes) My elementary education was at Christ Church infant school and St. Stephen’s junior school. At St. Stephen’s, I encountered my first real mentor, the headmaster Mr. Broakes. He must have spotted something unusual in me, for he spent lots of time encouraging my interest in mathematics.  (Spotted Quotes) When I am spotted somewhere, it means that my characterizations haven’t covered up Eleanor Parker the person. I prefer it the other way around.  (Spotted Quotes) When I moved to Canada in 93, I started reading fashion magazines, and that’s where I spotted the M.A.C ad that RuPaul were in. That’s sort of how I first met you - in the red bodysuit. That was so iconic to me.  (Spotted Quotes) Street-casting - people like Katie Jarvis in ‘Fish Tank,’ spotted having a row with her boyfriend on a railway platform - has helped make actors raise their game. They have to.  (Spotted Quotes) I wasn’t a spy. I’d have been spotted in five seconds. Yes, I was in intelligence, but that covered a multitude of things.  (Spotted Quotes) For me, modelling has been an advantage because if I hadn’t been modelling, I would never have been spotted as an actress. I didn’t have any intention of becoming an actress.  (Spotted Quotes) Once while vacationing at my grandparent’s house in Rajasthan, we were sleeping on the roof and I spotted an object hovering around in the sky - kind of a UFO. It totally spooked me out. I couldn’t sleep for days after that  (Spotted Quotes) It was a lie and I detected it at once. As an accomplished fibber myself, I spotted the telltale signs of an untruth before they were halfway out of his mouth: the excessive detail, the offhand delivery, and the wrapping-up of it all in casual chitchat  (Spotted Quotes) Vegetarianism as a moral position is no more coherent than saying that you think it morally wrong to eat meat from a spotted cow but not morally wrong to eat meat from a non-spotted cow  (Spotted Quotes) Didn’t trust change. It couldn’t be spotted or stabbed; it was more silent than any scout, more deadly than any assassin. No, she’d never trust it, but she would accept it  (Spotted Quotes) You see, when a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a globe he doesn’t notice that the track he has covered is curved. I was lucky enough to have spotted it  (Spotted Quotes) Whenever I had spotted a real good thing, my funds would never run to paper and stamps to apply for shares  (Spotted Quotes) All great human deeds both consume and transform their doers. Consider an athlete, a scientist, an artist, or an entrepreneur. In service of their goals, they lay down time, energy and many other choices and pleasures; in return, they become most truly themselves. A false destiny may be spotted by the fact that it consumes without transforming, without giving back the enlarged self  (Spotted Quotes) What the horrors of war are, no one can imagine. They are not wounds and blood and fever, spotted and low, or dysentery, chronic and acute, cold and heat and famine. They are intoxication, drunken brutality, demoralization and disorder on the part of the inferior... jealousies, meanness, indifference, selfish brutality on the part of the superior  (Spotted Quotes) When a blind beetle crawls over the surface of the globe, he doesn’t realize that the track he has covered is curved. I was lucky enough to have spotted it  (Spotted Quotes) The light filtered throught the leaves and pine needles above as if through lace, the ground spotted in shadow  (Spotted Quotes) It doesn’t take many observations to think you’ve spotted a trend, and it’s probably not a trend at all  (Spotted Quotes) Perhaps we might, within the anatomy of our imaginations, think once more of the naked body as a vessel of grace, taste and wonder. In the spotted history of art, stranger things have happened  (Spotted Quotes)
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