Spy Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t like to go to the movies to see violence or some kind of spy thing with all kinds of information you have to assimilate to understand the plot (Spy Quotes)
However I dress it up, I was a spy and I am not proud of it (Spy Quotes)
I think I would make a good spy. I can sort of be a chameleon. People don’t notice me very easily. I never get recognized (Spy Quotes)
What I’m getting at is, you know, if we really want to get serious about helping all the people living in the street and getting people jobs, we could just hire half the people in the country to spy on the other half (Spy Quotes)
They were conspiring to desert us in the night and steal some of our horses... we engaged a spy (Spy Quotes)
If I wanted to make spy movies for the rest of my life, that would be one thing, but I don’t want to just make spy movies (Spy Quotes)
My friend, I spy some pity in thy looks. O, if thine eye be not a flatterer, come thou on my side, and entreat for me as you would beg, were you in my distress. A begging prince what beggar pities not? (Spy Quotes)
Some people think my father was a spy, because of working for that government agency in Vietnam, but he can't find his car keys, much less keep a national secret (Spy Quotes)
It’s rather fun writing a female spy, because she has so much more kit. Bond never carried a hair dryer or a makeup bag. And he certainly didn’t wear an uplift bra (Spy Quotes)
In regard to the tune, we have a name in the studio, and we call it the 'MacGuffin.' It is the mechanical element that usually crops up in any story. In crook stories it is always the necklace and in spy stories it is always the papers. We just try to be a little more original (Spy Quotes)
I confess it is my nature's plague to spy into abuses; and, oft, my jealousy shapes faults that are not (Spy Quotes)
My father was sleepless most of his life. So by the age of five, I was awake with him all night long, watching bad television or we'd lie in the same bed, and I'd read my comic books while he read his latest spy or mystery novel (Spy Quotes)
The great advantage of being a writer is that you can spy on people. You're there, listening to every word, but part of you is observing. Everything is useful to a writer, you see - every scrap, even the longest and most boring of luncheon parties (Spy Quotes)
A bitter, disappointed, and jealous man kills the man he believes to be his wife's lover, this you consider to be unlikely. A murderous Nazi spy with orders to abduct a parrot, on the other hand (Spy Quotes)
I am a spy in the house of me. I report back from the front lines of the battle that is me. I am somewhat nonplused by the event that is my life (Spy Quotes)
When a spy sells something entirely new, all he needs to do is recount something you could find in any second hand book stall (Spy Quotes)
A spy, like a writer, lives outside the mainstream population. He steals his experience through bribes and reconstructs it (Spy Quotes)
We have learned in recent years to translate almost all of political life in terms of conspiracy. And the spy novel, as never before, really, has come into its own (Spy Quotes)
The role of women has always been undervalued in the spy world, always undermined in terms of recognition. Unfairly so. It’s a world that needs women (Spy Quotes)
A small country town is not the place in which one would choose to quarrel with a wife; every human being in such places is a spy (Spy Quotes)
It’s about these people who are inextricably together for whatever reasons, and they happen to be in the spy world. It’s about relationships, and the bottom line is, that’s why you care (Spy Quotes)
The enemy’s spies who have come to spy on us must be sought out, tempted with bribes, led away and comfortably housed. Thus they will become double agents and available for our service. It is through the information brought by the double agent that we are able to acquire and employ local and inward spies. It is owing to his information, again, that we can cause the doomed spy to carry false tidings to the enemy (Spy Quotes)
By encouraging men to spy and report on one another, by making it in the private interest of large numbers of citizens to evade the controls, and by making actions illegal that are in the public interest, the controls undermine individual morality (Spy Quotes)
For decades to come the spy world will continue to be the collective couch where the subconscious of each nation is confessed (Spy Quotes)
Turns out, you can take the girl out of the spy school, but you can never take the spy school out of the girl (Spy Quotes)
So I stepped away, reminding myself that when you’re a spy, sometimes all you can do is go on. One foot in front of the other, wherever the narrow path might lead (Spy Quotes)
All these years I’d thought being a spy was challenging. Turns out, being a girl is the tricky part (Spy Quotes)
Blake took a small roll from the tray on the table, then put it back in favor of a larger one. And maybe a little butter. It certainly couldn’t hurt. And jam... no, he drew the line at jam. She was a spy, after all (Spy Quotes)
He had the air of a spy in a melodrama, missing nothing, liking nothing, looking forward to the great day when everything would be turned upside down (Spy Quotes)
I’ve always wanted to play a spy, because it is the ultimate acting exercise. You are never what you seem (Spy Quotes)