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Squeeze Quotes

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Don’t squeeze me or I’ll fart  (Squeeze Quotes) When life gives you lemons squeeze one in your hair and go surf  (Squeeze Quotes) The tighter you squeeze, the less you have  (Squeeze Quotes) Apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze  (Squeeze Quotes) When life hands you a lemon, squeeze it and make lemonade  (Squeeze Quotes) Squeeze human nature into the straitjacket of criminal justice and crime will appear  (Squeeze Quotes) Grab reality by the balls and squeeze  (Squeeze Quotes) I squeeze oranges every morning to make juice  (Squeeze Quotes) I’ll squeeze the cider out of your adam’s apple  (Squeeze Quotes) Stop trying to squeeze professional results out of recreational hours  (Squeeze Quotes) Grab life by the balls and squeeze  (Squeeze Quotes) My juicer is not meant to squeeze lemons; it is meant to start conversations  (Squeeze Quotes) Any time you can squeeze out the opportunity to get better, you should  (Squeeze Quotes) Squeeze the rich until the pips squeak  (Squeeze Quotes) Basically, any material you can squeeze, melt or generate into a powder, you can print  (Squeeze Quotes) A slice of pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze  (Squeeze Quotes) If you bargain when they squeeze your balls, they will only squeeze again  (Squeeze Quotes) She is dressed to feel dangerous, perfumed to exude suggestions of nights in Babylon, and painted to drive men insane. How can she possibly avoid facing up to the terrible chasm between dream and reality when, in this musky state of mind, she must sit at a formica bar and squeeze mustard out of a plastic bottle?  (Squeeze Quotes) Leaning forward in your chair when someone is trying to squeeze behind you isn't enough. You also have to move the chair  (Squeeze Quotes) She was discovering once again that reading and writing were not the same - you couldn't just soak it up then squeeze it out again  (Squeeze Quotes) Big events, small, mundane moments of the day - it doesn't matter; the past will find a way to squeeze into the present - if you let it  (Squeeze Quotes) On corsets: I said, You have got to be kidding. I am an ape and yet I am still expected to squeeze myself into one of those damn things  (Squeeze Quotes) I don’t need a man. But I’m happier with one. I like to have someone I can touch and squeeze and kiss. But I don’t fold up and die if I don’t have a man around  (Squeeze Quotes) Even if we die at 100, we’re still dying young. I want at least 700 years. There’s a lot of travelling and books to read and movies to see. I’m not going to squeeze it all in in 85 years  (Squeeze Quotes) I wanted to be the perfect artist. I’d do three hours of media interviews a day, going to every radio station I could squeeze in. I’d sign autographs after the show until everybody left  (Squeeze Quotes) Number one, like yourself. Number two, you have to eat healthy. And number three, you’ve got to squeeze your buns. That’s my formula  (Squeeze Quotes) I’d love to do some bedtime stories for kids or that kind of thing. But with the demands of the shooting schedule and balancing the demands of being a single mother, it’s a wonder you can squeeze in anything  (Squeeze Quotes) A song just doesn’t come on. I’ve always had to tease it out, squeeze it out  (Squeeze Quotes) I act as a sponge. I soak it up and squeeze it out in ink every two weeks  (Squeeze Quotes) The squeeze machine is not going to cure anybody, but it may help them relax; and a relaxed person will usually have better behavior  (Squeeze Quotes)
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