Sri Chinmoy Quotes

Text Quotes
The world’s oldest wisdom: each evil thought infuses the mind, sooner or later, with an unholy fear. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
When I was an animal I evolved through selfishness. Now that I am a man my evolution can be achieved only through self-sacrifice. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Doubt is an old disease. Faith is an old medicine. Compassion is an old doctor. Concern is an old nurse. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Deepen your faith in yourself.Nothing will be ableTo frighten or weaken you (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
One who has an inferiority complex can never be really humble, but can only have false modesty or false humility. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Sympathy has to be the first and foremost thing in one’s life, sympathy and the feeling of oneness. There cannot be anything greater than the feeling of oneness . (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Forgive, you will have happiness. Forget, you will have satisfacton. Forgive and forget, You will have everlasting peace Within and without. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
In the mind, we doubt and suspect, and we get a kind of pleasure, a kind of joy from that. But in the heart, we try to encompass the full world, and by loving the world, we get joy. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
There is no fundamental difference between one religion and another, because each religion embodies the ultimate Truth. Each religion is right, absolutely right, because each religion conveys the message of Truth in its own way. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
A sincere seeker knows what his goal is: the highest Truth. He will not delay his journey. In spiritual life, we aspire for the highest Truth, for God, nothing else. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
When you invent something, there will always be people to criticise. God’s creation is full of critics, but has God given up His creation because of the critics? (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
All athletes, without fail, are potentially great and good. A great athlete is a little man tirelessly inspired. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
People who plead with you for favours May eventually prove to be great flatterers. Your friends are only those Who all the time cheerfully support Your heart’s aspiration-flames. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
My life is only half full When I receive. My heart is completely full Only when I give. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Be in love with your heart-life. There, only there, Is the flood of happiness. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
My mind’s cries tell me that everything on earth is tragic. My heart’s smiles tell me that everything on earth is magic. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
I live in between My heart’s compassion-rain And my life’s oneness-gain (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Hope is at once both simple and profound. It is hope that binds Heaven and earth. Hope is the bridge between Heaven and earth. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Man thinks his mind’s love for world power and his heart’s love for world peace can live together. Indeed, this is the height of man’s stupidity. (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
To be rich is to give a smile with no expectation of return (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
To deliberately criticise another individual may cause an indelible stain on the critic (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
It is better to make mistakes than to lie idle (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Responsibility is the possibility of opportunity culminating in inevitable fulfillment (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The fulfilment of life is in the making and manifesting of impossible dreams (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The difficulty is that we try to perfect others before we perfect ourselves (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
You must never forget that greatness does not guarantee happiness but goodness always does (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Meditation is silence, energising and fulfilling. Silent is the eloquent expression of the inexpressible (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
There is no greater miracle than our conscious efforts to become good human beings (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
What you do not use yourself, do not give to others. For example: advice (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
I begin by imagining the impossible and end by accomplishing the impossible (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)