Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes

Text Quotes
Suffering is a call for inquiry, all pain needs investigation (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Having never left the house you are looking for the way home (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
You will get to your maturity quickly if you stay in the nothingness (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Simply look at whatever happens and know that you are beyond it (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Sadhana is a search for what to give up. Empty yourself completely (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Once you say ‘I want to find Truth’, all your life will be deeply affected by it. All your mental and physical habits, feelings and emotions, desires and fears, plans and decisions will undergo a most radical transformation (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Self-remembrance, awareness of ‘I am’ ripens him powerfully and speedily. Give up all ideas about yourself and simply be (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
All I plead with you is this: make love of your self perfect (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Whatever you come across- go beyond (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
It does not matter much what happens (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Absolute perfection is here and now, not in some future, near or far (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
The world you think of is in your own mind (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Unless you know yourself, what else can you know? (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
The mind is what it thinks. To make it true, think true (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Don’t try to understand! It’s enough if you do not misunderstand (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
The real you is timeless and beyond life and death (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
There is only life, there is nobody who lives a life (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
In my world, nothing ever goes wrong (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
It is your restlessness that causes chaos (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
In reality, time and space exist in you. You do not exist in them (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
All you can teach is understanding. The rest comes on its own (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
The real does not die, the unreal never lived (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Only the people who have gone beyond the world can change the world (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
The unexpected and unpredictable is real (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Surrender to your own self, of which everything is an expression (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)
Give up all ideas about yourself and simply be (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quotes)