Stability Quotes

Text Quotes
The incredible stability in inflation is really a novel human experience. And the inflation is being the result of money (Stability Quotes)
Pakistans future viability, stability and security lie in empowering its people and building political institutions. My goal is to prove that the fundamental battle for the hearts and minds of a generation can be accomplished only under democracy (Stability Quotes)
Followers have a very clear picture of what they want and need from the most influential leaders in their lives: trust, compassion, stability, and hope (Stability Quotes)
The world can be at peace only if the world is stable, and there can be no stability where the will is in rebellion, where there is not tranquility of spirit and a sense of justice, of freedom, and of right (Stability Quotes)
The village had institutionalized all human functions in forms of low intensity... Participation was high and organization was low. This is the formula for stability (Stability Quotes)
I’m not living large; I just want to live comfortably. I wanna have financial stability that is unshakable (Stability Quotes)
All social life, stability, progress, depend upon each man’s confidence in his neighbor, a reliance upon him to do his duty (Stability Quotes)
Truth is always in danger of being sacrificed on the altars of good taste and social stability (Stability Quotes)
True ideas lead us into useful verbal and conceptual quarters as well as directly up to useful sensible termini. They lead to consistency, stability and flowing human intercourse (Stability Quotes)
Sometimes to think about why some institutions are stable, it’s interesting to go one generation back and look at the author of that stability (Stability Quotes)
A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise (Stability Quotes)
True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed (Stability Quotes)
Remember above all that mental stability comes by examining the contents of the mind, not by avoidence (Stability Quotes)
The logic now in use serves rather to fix and give stability to the errors which have their foundation in commonly received notions than to help the search for truth. So it does more harm than good (Stability Quotes)
The world acquires value only through its extremes and endures only through moderation; extremists make the world great, the moderates give it stability (Stability Quotes)
Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence (Stability Quotes)
No government, any more than an individual, will long be respected without being truly respectable; nor be truly respectable, without possessing a certain portion of order and stability (Stability Quotes)
It’s very hard for me to get a new car. It’s really hard for me to get a new house. It’s really hard for me to move on from the things that give me stability (Stability Quotes)
My sister made certain choices about the life she wanted. Those choices include a steady job, a husband and children. But balance and stability come at a cost. It is harder for her to be spontaneous. It is harder to just up and leave (Stability Quotes)
Never think that lack of variability is stability. Don’t confuse lack of volatility with stability, ever (Stability Quotes)
I’m very unstable; there’s no stability in a musician’s life at all. You live on a bus or on the road hand to mouth and you don’t know where your money’s coming from (Stability Quotes)
There is a coherence in things, a stability; something... is immune from change and shines out... in the face of the flowing, the fleeting, the spectral, like a ruby (Stability Quotes)
At the end of the day we want to bring stability and hope to Iraq. That’s the only way to defeat terrorism (Stability Quotes)
Job found contentment and even joy, outside the context of comfort, health or stability. He understood the story was not about him, and he cared more about the story then he did about himself (Stability Quotes)
Stability in government is essential to national character and to the advantages annexed to it, as well as to that repose and confidence in the minds of the people, which are among the chief blessings of civil society (Stability Quotes)
Any violence which does not spring from a spiritual base, will be wavering and uncertain. It lacks the stability which can only rest in a fanatical outlook (Stability Quotes)
Criticism, though dignified from the earliest ages by the labours of men eminent for knowledge and sagacity, has not yet attained the certainty and stability of science (Stability Quotes)
Stability and peace in our land will not come from the barrel of a gun, because peace without justice is an impossibility (Stability Quotes)
The solitude and peace of mind are serving me quite well, not the least of which is due to the excellent and truly enjoyable relationship with my cousin; its stability will be guaranteed by the avoidance of marriage (Stability Quotes)
We as central bankers need not be concerned if a collapsing financial asset bubble does not threaten to impair the real economy, its production, jobs and price stability (Stability Quotes)