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Stadium Quotes

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I’m so happy to be joining Arsenal, a club which has a great manager, a fantastic squad of players, huge support around the world and a great stadium in London.  (Stadium Quotes) In order to create you have to believe in your ability to do so and that often means excluding whole chunks of normal life, and, of course, pumping yourself up as much as possible as a way of keeping on. Sort of cheering for yourself in the great football stadium of life. (Barnes and Noble Review, email dialogue with Cameron Martin, Feb. 09, 2009)  (Stadium Quotes) Maine Road was a great football stadium but as time moved on it stayed where it is...  (Stadium Quotes) A multi-purpose stadium is an absolute must in order to invigorate our downtown and, simultaneously, let the rest of the country witness that we can get things done.  (Stadium Quotes) I know when it’s getting close to game time, I create a different playlist for each and every game. Before the game, to game time, to warm-ups, going to the stadium, I have a different playlist that puts me in a different mode.  (Stadium Quotes) The Olympic stadium may have been built only in the early 1970s but it was clear for a long time it had no future. For many reasons it is not good enough for modern football and today’s fans.  (Stadium Quotes) Having a stadium in France named after a footballer from the Ivory Coast, even if I’m proud of my France-Ivory Coast background, is a great proof of integration.  (Stadium Quotes) Mourinho is a coach of titles, not football. Or rather, not a football coach if we understand the sport is a spectacle or entertainment for those who watch it, either at home or live in the stadium.  (Stadium Quotes) It’s a great feeling to have the stadium rocking and chanting my name  (Stadium Quotes) I sang the National Anthem at Dodger Stadium - at a baseball game - which was crazy; there was, like, 60,000 people there, which is a huge deal in America - singing the National Anthem.  (Stadium Quotes) If you start out trying to achieve a specific thing - like doing stadium shows or going into the studio and doing an album - the end result is what counts.  (Stadium Quotes) Science has taught us, against all intuition, that apparently solid things like crystals and rocks are really almost entirely composed of empty space. And the familiar illustration is the nucleus of an atom is a fly in the middle of a sports stadium, and the next atom is in the next sports stadium.  (Stadium Quotes) It’s a fine line between writing something with genuine emotional impact and turning into little idiots feeling sorry for ourselves and playing stadium rock.  (Stadium Quotes) My heroes, my dreams, and my future lay in Yankee Stadium. And they can’t take that away from me.  (Stadium Quotes) Doing nothing would stress me out. So I am still pretty much active practicing judo with my friends, who are former judo athletes, to maintain our fitness as well as the friendships among us. In my spare time, I usually go jogging around the Gelora Bung Karno stadium or head to the gym.  (Stadium Quotes) I had hoped that the board would accept Johnny Hon’s offer of a loan to buy the stadium back for the club, as I think this would be best way of continuing the long tradition of Cambridge United in Cambridge - and it was a generous offer.  (Stadium Quotes) It’s the first time an exoskeleton has been controlled by brain activity and offered feedback to the patients. Doing a demonstration in a stadium is something very much outside our routine in robotics. It’s never been done before.  (Stadium Quotes) My very best memory of Montreal was the moment inside the Olympic arena when I was waiting under the stadium and those majestic gates opened up. It was a whole other world.  (Stadium Quotes) Hopkins is talking about fighting at Yankee Stadium but that’s rubbish. If he fought at Yankee Stadium, even the ushers wouldn’t want to watch him. Bernard Hopkins couldn’t draw breath.  (Stadium Quotes) Dodger Stadium is not an antique. It’s not Frank Lloyd Wright. It’s a nice place to play baseball, but there are far better.  (Stadium Quotes) Officials are the only guys who can rob you and then get a police escort out of the stadium  (Stadium Quotes) The game is choreographed; it is mental, it is physical, it is a battle. People can feel those hits when they are in the stadium, you feel them and you see the velocity of the players  (Stadium Quotes) The president is just the coach of a football team. You need the right support, the right stadium, the right players, the right staff. An excellent coach is not going to win games  (Stadium Quotes) We don’t want you at the rink, we don’t want you in the stadium, we don’t want you to watch hockey  (Stadium Quotes) It was good to be out there again. Actually I told my wife the same thing: Itll be fun to go out in a stadium on a field competing. Even though it was just a scrimmage  (Stadium Quotes) Why isn’t it fun to watch a videotape of last night’s football game even when we don’t know who won? Because the fact that the game has already been played precludes the possibility that our cheering will somehow penetrate the television, travel through the cable system, find its way to the stadium, and influence the trajectory of the ball as it hurtles toward the goalposts!  (Stadium Quotes) Whether philosophically you believe in a public subsidization of an arena or a stadium, that’s the reality. We can’t have professional basketball in this community by the end of our lease in 2010 without subsidization  (Stadium Quotes) The street to obscurity is paved with athletes who perform great feats before friendly crowds. Greatness in major league sports is the ability to win in a stadium filled with people who are pulling for you to lose  (Stadium Quotes) You can have the top stars to bring the attention, you can have the best stadium, you can have the best facilities, you can have the most beautiful project in terms of marketing and all this kind of thing. But if you don’t win... All the work these people are doing is forgotten  (Stadium Quotes) Before a race, I block out what’s going on in the stadium. It’s different for everyone. But for me, I’ve always been able to block it out. For a sprint race, it’s important not to get distracted  (Stadium Quotes)
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