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Stage Quotes

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Adulthood is not an age, but a stage of knowledge of self  (Stage Quotes) Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength  (Stage Quotes) I grew up on that stage. I learned almost everything I know there.  (Stage Quotes) I don’t live for the stage. I don’t live for an audience.  (Stage Quotes) If I’m a bad mood, I can’t go on stage and smile  (Stage Quotes) Being on the stage, you’ve got to be ready for anything  (Stage Quotes) The beauty of me being on stage is I have a voice  (Stage Quotes) I just like being on stage and making people happy  (Stage Quotes) Being on stage isn’t so tough compared to the football pitch  (Stage Quotes) As wonderful as being on stage is, family comes first  (Stage Quotes) God is not an audiophile demanding the best possible stage sound  (Stage Quotes) The best part really is once I’m up on the stage  (Stage Quotes) Every stage of life is a chapter of a book  (Stage Quotes) The stage is my territory, my boxing ring. That’s where I’m free.  (Stage Quotes) In literature, older women are not often given center stage  (Stage Quotes) It’s quite a thrill to see it coming to life on stage  (Stage Quotes) Art comes to life when emotions dance with thoughts on realities stage  (Stage Quotes) Love is a Dance set on the stage of Forgiveness and Grace  (Stage Quotes) Although I do stand-up - doing actual stage work is terrifying for me  (Stage Quotes) The early stage of pregnancy for me is quite hard to hide  (Stage Quotes) I can take any empty space and call it a bare stage,  (Stage Quotes) Most famous stage actors tactfully fade away  (Stage Quotes) Film actors are, by nature, more complicated than stage actors  (Stage Quotes) I made my first stage appearance when I was 6 months old  (Stage Quotes) What I do is when I go to the stage I forget about me  (Stage Quotes) Just gimme some stage. I’ll make my own way once I get there.  (Stage Quotes) Sometimes I get butterflies before I get up on stage  (Stage Quotes) Don’t use barbiturates before going on stage. And be honest.  (Stage Quotes) Your lost friends are not dead, but gone before, advanced a stage or two upon that road which you must travel in the steps they trod  (Stage Quotes) It is with some violence to the imagination that we conceive of an actor belonging to the relations of private life, so closely do we identify these persons in our mind with the characters which they assume upon the stage  (Stage Quotes)
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