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Stage Quotes

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Every time I see a good play or watch a good movie, I have the same feeling I had as a child of wanting to be that person on stage or wanting to run through the forest with a big dress on  (Stage Quotes) I love being on stage or in front of the camera. My work brings me a lot of joy. It helps me figure out who I am. I’m really lucky that I get to make a living at acting  (Stage Quotes) I never had any classes or went to theatre school like a lot of actors, so all of my training has been on stage with different directors. That was a pretty good school room  (Stage Quotes) I have not the slightest doubt that this form of individuation represents a higher stage in the evolution of mankind  (Stage Quotes) I worked with my parents on the stage in production numbers since I was 4, but I never really gave much thought to being a performer on my own until I was 12 or 13  (Stage Quotes) I’m a very private person, and when I leave the stage, I leave the stage  (Stage Quotes) My parents have basically just taught me the rules of the stage and everything since I was eight  (Stage Quotes) I appreciate the additional additives and preservatives that help sell a project, but I’m sticking to what works best for me. I gotta sell the album live on stage and make people believe in the songs  (Stage Quotes) When I use music on stage, the prime directive is to entertain the public, so it is different  (Stage Quotes) Maybe at this stage in my career, it’s from that younger generation that I have most to learn  (Stage Quotes) I have so much fun on stage that I should have to pay to get in  (Stage Quotes) I started off on stage because it was the only work I could get. I haven’t been back for 11 years. I think any stage experience is good experience, as far as being an actor is concerned  (Stage Quotes) When families observe a later, deeper stage of cult involvement they may find it necessary to consider the involvement of a professional such as myself in an intervention effort  (Stage Quotes) People ask me how far I’ve come. And I tell them twelve feet: from the audience to the stage  (Stage Quotes) The biggest battle that I have is being a woman in the world. That takes center stage for me  (Stage Quotes) Nobody could dissapear to their trailer once it was up and running, you were all there on the same stage. It was 10 days of rehearsal and 10 days of shooting, which was very tiring  (Stage Quotes) I’m known as a kind of dramatic, serious, almost humorless actor and the fact is, I’m a funny guy, and I spend most of my life trying to find a lighter side of things, and on stage was given plenty of opportunity to do that  (Stage Quotes) I enjoy making films, but my heart is in the stage. Every night you have to be on. There’s no second take  (Stage Quotes) Film acting is really the trick of doing moments. You rarely do a take that lasts more than 20 seconds. You really earn your spurs acting onstage. I needed to do that for myself. I would hate to say at the end of everything that I never did a stage play  (Stage Quotes) I found at an early age the times when I learned the most about myself was when I got thrown out there on a stage in front of a microphone when you didn’t really want to be out there, where you’re kind of afraid  (Stage Quotes) I’ve worked with a lot of really fine actors, both on stage and on screen. The level of their game lifts me up and brings the level of my game up to theirs. Always. It’s like a constant upgrade  (Stage Quotes) It’s about what happens on stage, whether we can deliver it in a hungry way that is who we are in our hearts  (Stage Quotes) No movement finding itself in this stage of struggle can operate by getting authority from the leading body of the political organs for even minor action that is taken and we don’t even know in the case of the actions which have publicize whether they are in fact our people  (Stage Quotes) If I produce it, I will stage it as a performance. A small audience will be invited; rehearsals of the sections will be done in the mornings, and those sections will be recorded in the afternoons  (Stage Quotes) I prefer film to the stage. I always like the rehearsal better than I like performing  (Stage Quotes) Our civilization is still in a middle stage, scarcely beast, in that it is no longer wholly guided by instinct; scarcely human, in that it is not yet wholly guided by reason  (Stage Quotes) In order to represent life on the stage, we must rub elbows with life, live ourselves  (Stage Quotes) The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history  (Stage Quotes) Today the kids that are out now they make a hit record and they put them right out on the stage with 10,000 people out there and they don’t know anything about the business yet  (Stage Quotes) From the stage I’ve seen people of all ages absolutely roaring at really good toilet humour  (Stage Quotes)
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