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Stage Quotes

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From day one, I got addicted to being on stage and getting the applause and laughter  (Stage Quotes) I love performing on stage the most. It’s getting that instant reaction from a live audience. There are no boundaries, you can take your character as far as you want to, you can be the craziest person ever  (Stage Quotes) With bass, especially bottom end, the vibration has to happen on stage otherwise the feel is wrong. This is why you can’t scale the equipment down too far  (Stage Quotes) It was very early, and we were still like beta or alpha stage, and so we started receiving a ton of download. The server became overloaded, and that’s when I realized that this had a huge market  (Stage Quotes) When you are on stage you don’t see faces. The lights are in your eyes and you see just this black void out in front of you. And yet you know there is life out there, and you have to get your message across  (Stage Quotes) When you get on stage, you can be anything. You are removed from reality in a way, the real world  (Stage Quotes) And although I’ve been very fortunate in the film work that’s come my way, I need to get back to the stage. If I’m away for a maximum of two years, I feel something’s wrong  (Stage Quotes) The reflection of the flame in the glass seems to be touching the hand. And you feel the helpless fear of these dismembered parts. This sort of thing can hardly be visualized at the script stage  (Stage Quotes) I’m at a stage in my life when I want a wife and a family  (Stage Quotes) My mother was the worst kind of stage mother. She would make me and my younger sister and brother little duckling costumes and put us in kiddie shows  (Stage Quotes) I don’t know how it is now but the assistant stage manager had to understudy several parts. You had to be ready to go on at any time if the actor couldnt make it to the play. I didn’t think anything of it  (Stage Quotes) That is what I always tell service clubs: If you hear of somebody who is very young and talented, pick them up and give them that little assistance to make sure that they get to the professional stage  (Stage Quotes) Personality is essential. It is in every work of art. When someone walks on stage for a performance and has charisma, everyone is convinced that he has personality. I find that charisma is merely a form of showmanship. Movie stars usually have it. A politician has to have it  (Stage Quotes) At the very end, what is going to happen is that immigration will be reduced considerably. And how can we get to that stage? By agreements on sectors  (Stage Quotes) Through every moment on stage for the first time, I felt like I was finally right where I belonged  (Stage Quotes) Paul has more, I think, of a feel for the stage. Whereas I have it more for the notes themselves. I love record making and mixing, arranging, producing. That I love. I love to make beautiful things, but I don’t like to perform  (Stage Quotes) You are never so alone as when you are ill on stage. The most nightmarish feeling in the world is suddenly to feel like throwing up in front of four thousand people  (Stage Quotes) This business is about working. It’s really not about glamour. For me, the most glamorous thing about it is to b able to get on stage and perform my music for people. That’s the privilege. And that’s what all the work leads up to, and that’s why it’s worth it to me  (Stage Quotes) I think every character actor at some stage likes to carry a film. It can be extremely liberating to just come in for a scene or two and do your thing. But I find it frustrating if I’m just doing little bits here and there for too long  (Stage Quotes) I know I can get to the stage where I’m drinking a lot. I tend to be rotten and groggy all day and hanging out for the next drink and five o’clock, ping! I have to just stop  (Stage Quotes) There is that smaller world which is the stage, and that larger stage which is the world  (Stage Quotes) As soon as it was understood that we could handle things in our own way, it was the thrill of my life to walk out on that stage with people just hemming the band in  (Stage Quotes) To this day, I don’t like people walking on stage not looking good. You have to look good. If you feel special about yourself then you’re going to play special  (Stage Quotes) The buying of time or space is not the taking out of a hunting license on someone else’s private preserve but is the renting of a stage on which we may perform  (Stage Quotes) For a long time, weve worked on detecting planets with whatever was at hand, making use of existing small telescopes or even amateur telescopes. Its time to move on to the next stage  (Stage Quotes) We have our factory, which is called a stage. We make a product, we color it, we title it and we ship it out in cans  (Stage Quotes) Strangely enough I’m better on a stage. I love that I feel like I blossom in front of a whole bunch of people  (Stage Quotes) I was aware that there is an expectation that writers inevitably falter at this stage, that they fail to live up to the promise of their first successful book, that the next book never pleases the way the prior one did. It simply increased my sense of being challenged  (Stage Quotes) At this stage of my life, I’ve dedicated myself to playing what I want to play, how I want to play it for the rest of my time. Regardless of whether one might like it or one might not like it, this is where I am  (Stage Quotes) I’m leaving the screen because I don’t think I am very good in the pictures and I have this beautiful dream that I’m elegant on the stage  (Stage Quotes)
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