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Stage Quotes

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Poetry makes life what lights and music do the stage  (Stage Quotes) Was his death an essential stage in the continuation of his life?  (Stage Quotes) Soul of the age! The applause! delight! The wonder of our stage!  (Stage Quotes) Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion  (Stage Quotes) If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?  (Stage Quotes) I’m the empty stage where various actors act out various plays  (Stage Quotes) Bleep if I was going to stage a rescue in a freaking pantsuit  (Stage Quotes) The center of the stage is where I am  (Stage Quotes) Who wants to see 3 aging old racists on stage, anyway?  (Stage Quotes) Man reaches each stage of his life as a novice  (Stage Quotes) I swear fearfully at the conventions of the stage  (Stage Quotes) God often showcases his power on the stage of human weakness  (Stage Quotes) One more stage, one more limo, one more run for your life  (Stage Quotes) Nothing is perfect on the human stage  (Stage Quotes) I don’t stage my own publicity  (Stage Quotes) All the world’s a stage, and all the clergymen critics  (Stage Quotes) I like playing on stage, don’t get me wrong  (Stage Quotes) I feel like I own the stage  (Stage Quotes) The stage is suspension of disbelief. Film is a literal medium  (Stage Quotes) The Internet has become important on the world’s stage  (Stage Quotes) Sometimes we pee on each other before we go on stage  (Stage Quotes) There is already huge public interest in stage musicals  (Stage Quotes) The only thing I miss on stage is the falsetto  (Stage Quotes) Some of the overflow audience actually sat on the stage  (Stage Quotes) I like being on this stage because it keeps me thinking  (Stage Quotes) On the third stage is used for medicine, it is not known to the public  (Stage Quotes) We really never know what we’re gonna play when we get on stage  (Stage Quotes) On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone  (Stage Quotes) A nightmare is two bassists on stage  (Stage Quotes) The world’s a stage on which all parts are played  (Stage Quotes)
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