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Stage Quotes

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A true priest is aware of the presence of the altar during every moment that he is conducting a service. It is exactly the same way that a true artist should react to the stage all the time he is in the theater. An actor who is incapable of this feeling will never be a true artist  (Stage Quotes) Stage charm guarantees in advance an actor’s hold on the audience, it helps him to carry over to large numbers of people his creative purposes. It enhances his roles and his art. Yet it is of utmost importance that he use this precious gift with prudence, wisdom, and modesty. It is a great shame when he does not realize this and goes on to exploit, to play on his ability to charm  (Stage Quotes) The slightest living thing answers a deeper need than all the works of man because it is transitory. It has an evanescence of life, or growth, or change: it passes, as we do, from one stage to another, from darkness to darkness, into a distance where we, too, vanish out of sight. A work of art is static; and its value and its weakness lie in being so: but the tuft of grass and the clouds above it belong to our own traveling brotherhood  (Stage Quotes) The stage on which we play our little dramas of life and love has for most of us but one setting  (Stage Quotes) I love the fact that I can go out there on stage with a guitar and sing a song that means something to somebody  (Stage Quotes) When I’m acting, I’m in a different place, singing is the last thing on my mind, and when I’m on stage, there’s no acting at all involved, not even presentation, it’s just who I am  (Stage Quotes) I love being on stage if I’m not on a set. If I’m at home, I’m usually in my office editing or reconstructing my website or whatever it may be. I just love putting creativity into a performance, so if the right script comes along, and I certainly am reading comedies and dramas now, then I’m ready willing and able to give it a shot  (Stage Quotes) You should make an effort on stage because it’s a performance. The stage should be glittery and camp, but I don’t go down the shops in full stage gear  (Stage Quotes) I’ve always been singing. Since day one. I started doing musical theater and you have to sing in musical theater and so that’s where I got most of my training. So singing on stage, you just inevitably, when you’re around other vocal artists, you get better at singing  (Stage Quotes) To be diagnosed with cancer was a frightening thing, and my first reaction was sheer panic, but I was really fortunate that the cancer was caught at such an early stage that I didn’t need chemo or radiotherapy. But I know that cancer is a chronic condition, and once you’ve had it, you’re on the list, because it can come back  (Stage Quotes) I’m very shy, and I shy away from people. But the moment I hit the stage, it’s a different feeling I get nerve from somewhere; maybe it’s because it’s something I love to do  (Stage Quotes) It’s really hard to be on stage and packing your gear when people who just saw you play are in the room, because they all just want to talk to you  (Stage Quotes) I never stop working when I’m on stage, and that’s my fitness  (Stage Quotes) I don’t collaborate. You’re born alone, you die alone, you get on stage alone  (Stage Quotes) The ability to absorb a book and make someone else’s words and story your own was exactly was I was doing on stage  (Stage Quotes) A cricket ball broke my nose when I was a kid so I couldn’t breath through it. Before I had it operated on I used to stand on stage with my mouth slightly open  (Stage Quotes) I love a beautiful gown on stage, and luckily I’ve been fortunate to wear some amazing dresses  (Stage Quotes) I know really, really famous people who are terrified every time they walk on to a stage  (Stage Quotes) Acting on stage is still my favorite thing to do. And everyone who’s been in musicals knows that there is nothing more fun  (Stage Quotes) I think it is a good thing to have woman friends at every stage of life. We confide in each other, we support each other, we understand each other most of the time. Of course, sometimes we are competitive or angry or distant, too. But I do think it is important not to let the main friendships slip away in the sweep of the days  (Stage Quotes) I did theatre when I was nine, I think. Nine and ten, and that was just the beginning of my whole involvement in acting, my whole interest. I don’t really remember it that well. But it was really fun. I mean, it was exciting just to be on stage in front of an audience. It gives you a different kind of rush  (Stage Quotes) It’s fun to work on location because you get the look and feel of everything, but it’s nice to be on a stage because you can control the elements  (Stage Quotes) We are not what we seem. We are more than what we seem. The actor knows that. And because the actor knows that hidden inside himself there’s a wizard and a king, he also knows that when he’s playing himself in his daily life, he’s playing a part, he’s performing, just as he’s performing when he plays a part on stage  (Stage Quotes) Core strengthening is key to everything. It’s not just about the way I look, but about stabilizing my body so I can perform better on stage  (Stage Quotes) I can go completely berserk with the makeup, depending on the event. I’m currently in this very mod stage. I wear false lashes and color on my eyelids. I’m really liking shiny eyelids in copper, rose, gold, or silver  (Stage Quotes) My feet have been my best friend for the last 40 years. I’ve just been a dancing fool on stage, and after awhile you just kind of wear them out  (Stage Quotes) I have stage fright every single concert I’ve ever done. I have at least four or five minutes of it. It’s absolute living hell  (Stage Quotes) The critic is genius at one remove; he is not unlike an actor on the stage, and incarnates in his mind, as the actor embodies in his person, another’s work; only thus does he understand art, realize it, know it; and having arrived at this, his task is done  (Stage Quotes) I don’t know if I’d ever want to show my college life in the films I make. I think I’ve passed that stage long ago  (Stage Quotes) I can sleep anywhere! I can come off stage during the interval of a play, lie down for four minutes then wake up feeling better  (Stage Quotes)
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