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Stage Quotes

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When you consider all saints and prophets as legitimate and no longer differentiate between religions, you have reached the stage of true mysticism  (Stage Quotes) I support the boycott because I do not think at this stage there is any other way to make our authorities see and understand because they keep ignoring the rights of their citizens... and at this stage there is no other way to affect change, because the authorities have taken hostage of the media, so perhaps this boycott can be a symbol of criticism being voiced  (Stage Quotes) I am convinced that an important stage of human thought will have been reached when the physiological and the psychological, the objective and the subjective, are actually united, when the tormenting conflicts or contradictions between my consciousness and my body will have been factually resolved or discarded  (Stage Quotes) The surface of the earth is not simply a stage on which the thousands of present and past inhabitants played their parts in turn. There are much more intimate relations between the earth and the living organisms which populated it, and it may even be demonstrated that the earth was developed because of them  (Stage Quotes) The flight of most members of a profession to the high empyrean, where they can work peacefully on purely scientific problems, isolated from the turmoil of real life, was perhaps quite appropriate at an earlier stage of science; but in today’s world it is a luxury we cannot afford  (Stage Quotes) Every stage of life has its troubles, and no man is content with his own age  (Stage Quotes) Also the wonderful thing about film, you can see light at the end of the tunnel. You did realize that it is going to come to an end at some stage  (Stage Quotes) Equally real at all stages of his life; specifically, the fact that a particular stage is present cannot be regarded as conferring on it any special status  (Stage Quotes) We have received a dog with serious eye problems and a skin disease in hopeless stage. The person who brought it here demanded we cure it for free and refused the idea of euthanasia to end its pain  (Stage Quotes) Our bodies, speeches and minds need to be trained so that they will do anything we want. We can cry or laugh at once when we want to. Then it will be a natural response; we will cry when it is time to cry, and laugh when we should laugh. Do you understand? We can get angry when necessary; we can be gentle if we have to. We will completely become our own master. Then, no matter what we want to do, it will benefit the world. It is not difficult to attain this stage; all we need to do is to mediate  (Stage Quotes) What we are witnessing at the moment is a rearrangement of the world in an intermediate stage; the change is not in the use of a natural force but in the application of technique to all spheres of life  (Stage Quotes) The king, which during the opening and middlegame stage is often a burden because it has to be defended, becomes in the endgame a very important and aggressive piece, and the beginner should realize this, and utilize his king as much as possible  (Stage Quotes) There are many forms of photography. I consider myself simply a recorder of that which I find of interest around me. I personally have no desire to create or stage direct ideas  (Stage Quotes) The world of chemical reactions is like a stage, on which scene after scene is ceaselessly played. The actors on it are the elements  (Stage Quotes) In physical science a first essential step in the direction of learning any subject is to find principles of numerical reckoning and practicable methods for measuring some quality connected with it. I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be  (Stage Quotes) We are forced to choose, for the processes we have initiated in our lifetime cannot continue in the lifetime of our children. Whatever we do either creates the framework for continuing the supreme adventure of life and consciousness on this planet or sets the stage for its termination. The choice before us is urgent and important: it can neither be postponed nor ignored  (Stage Quotes) When I write a song today, basically it goes on the stage tomorrow. That’s the way it works. You cannont interrupt your consciousness; it all comes from the subconscious, it can happen anywhere. It could be in a telephone booth  (Stage Quotes) I had been performing since I was 5, so it wasn’t like I hadn’t been on a stage before. I was always older than my age. That’s my nature. I’ve always been a kind of mature kid  (Stage Quotes) I looked around one stage school when I was maybe nine. It just scared the bejesus out of me. I was incredibly open, and the girls seemed fierce and determined  (Stage Quotes) No, no, I was only funny on stage, really. I think I was funny as a person toward my classmates when I was very young. You know, when I was a child, up to about the age of 12  (Stage Quotes) You have to communicate on a much greater scale. With a camera, you can use the flick of an eye. On stage, a lot of other things are happening that can pull focus or energy. You’re always thinking the same way, but you have to amplify your thoughts with the volume of your speech and the ways you use your whole body to communicate what you’re feeling. It’s a little bit different from film  (Stage Quotes) The stage floor was a stage of thin ice for me to tread. To hold my own or to sink through and die, never to be remembered  (Stage Quotes) I’m hideously shy as myself but on stage I can run around naked and bite the heads off fish  (Stage Quotes) I’m in an unusual stage right now, because I haven’t dated in so long. The sense of isolation turns it all into a bigger deal. Just taking the risk of opening that door is really hard for me right now  (Stage Quotes) I like connecting with people, and that’s what good art is, a point of connection. There’s nothing better, on stage or on film, than feeling like you’ve achieved that  (Stage Quotes) The big catalyst was seeing my sister, when I was 11, doing a dramatic recital. When I saw her on the stage and everyone listening to her so patiently, quietly, that’s all I wanted: for someone to look at me and listen to me, but in some beautiful and artistic way  (Stage Quotes) On stage or in the movies I could do whatever I wanted to. I was free  (Stage Quotes) I certainly don’t walk around my home or being with my family and just using profane language all the time, but on stage, it’s a constant  (Stage Quotes) As a film actor, you don’t often get that opportunity to meet with your audience and take your applause on stage  (Stage Quotes) The stage sharpened my creative instrument and encouraged me to go deeper and try new things  (Stage Quotes)
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