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Stage Quotes

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In other ways, you constantly have to change people’s opinion of you as one thing, especially if you want to play different roles. You have to shatter that image sometimes. I’ve had to do it before with stage roles, to get roles. I’m drawn to kind of darker, misfit things. I would like to, especially in film, play against type and do some heavier stuff. I’m intrigued by projects that deal with problematic people and things  (Stage Quotes) When you leave here today and commence the next stage of your life, you can follow someone else’s script, try to make choices that will make other people happy, avoid discomfort, do what is expected, and copy the status quo. Or you can look at all that you have accomplished today and use it as fuel to venture forth and write your own story. If you do, amazing things will take shape  (Stage Quotes) Im in a very enviable position, being able to work like this 45 years later. Its always beginning! I never have a sense of finishing up, just new things beginning. When I die, theyre going to carry me off a stage  (Stage Quotes) I’ve been very blessed, I think, or what do you call it... mmm... lucky to get at this stage what I have. It’s not like I’ve come from acting school and done work at an academy or something. I feel I’ve been given a very huge chance and opportunity  (Stage Quotes) I just love the thrill of performing on stage. I believe that singing is something I was put here to do  (Stage Quotes) Tonight I am going to defecate on stage because I think that is the only way to express the nature of my soul according to rock and roll  (Stage Quotes) You know, once you’ve had that guitar up so loud on the stage, where you can lean back and volume will stop you from falling backward, that’s a hard drug to kick  (Stage Quotes) I was diagnosed with an early, early stage of prostate cancer. I was almost a vegetarian then. I was heading that direction. What pushed me over the edge, was the doctor who did the diagnosis. He said in a discussion about prostate cancer that he had never seen a vegetarian with prostate cancer. And this is not a holistic doctor, this is a regular, mainstream doctor. And I was just blown away  (Stage Quotes) The stage is not only a world apart, it is a myriad of worlds, and in those worlds a man can have anything he fancies, if only he believes in what he sees  (Stage Quotes) Each of us carries around those growing up places, the institutions, a sort of backdrop, a stage set. So often we act out the present against the backdrop of the past, within a frame of perception that is so familiar, so safe that is is terrifying to risk changing it even when we know our perceptions are distorted, limited, constricted by that old view  (Stage Quotes) Parenthood offers many lessons in patience and sacrifice. But ultimately, it is a lesson in humility. The very best thing about your life is a short stage in someone else’s story  (Stage Quotes) Decorating is not about making stage sets, it’s not about making pretty pictures for the magazines, it’s really about creating a quality of life, a beauty that nourishes the soul  (Stage Quotes) Drag artists are more men than real men. You need a lot of courage, personality, and guts to go out there. Even if you look good or you look bad, you still need to have all of those things to be on stage. You’re going to get criticized by everyone  (Stage Quotes) There’s a very fine line between underacting and not acting at all. And not acting is what a lot of actors are guilty of. It amazes me how some of these little numbers with dreamy looks and a dead pan are getting away wit it. I’d hate to see them on stage with a dog act  (Stage Quotes) Painting is almost like a religious experience, which should go on and on. Age just gives you the freedom to do some things you’ve never done before. Great work can come at any stage of your life  (Stage Quotes) Never lose yourself on the stage. Always act in your own person, as an artist. The moment you lose yourself on the stage marks the departure from truly living your part and the beginning of exaggerated false acting. Therefore, no matter how much you act, how many parts you take, you should never allow yourself any exception to the rule of using your own feelings. To break that rule is the equivalent of killing the person you are portraying, because you deprive him of a palpitating, living, human soul, which is the real source of life for a part  (Stage Quotes) The absolute contingency of the encounter takes on the appearance of destiny. The declaration of love marks the transition from chance to destiny and that’s why it is so perilous and so burdened with a kind of horrifying stage fright  (Stage Quotes) It’s about stepping up on the big stage. The athlete who can do that is goig to do well  (Stage Quotes) At each stage... entirely new laws, concepts and generalizations are necessary, requiring inspiration and creativity to just as great a degree as in the previous one  (Stage Quotes) The planning stage of a cruise is often just as enjoyable as the voyage itself, letting one’s imagination loose on all kinds of possibilities. Yet translating dreams into reality means a lot of practical questions have to be answered  (Stage Quotes) The male chromosome is an incomplete female chromosome. In other words the male is a walking abortion; aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples  (Stage Quotes) When you see what you’re here for, the world begins to mirror your purpose in a magical way. It’s almost as if you suddenly find yourself on a stage in a play that was written expressly for you  (Stage Quotes) The point is to create a system where individuals don’t work simply for money or personal gain but to support the planet and its inhabitants in entering the next stage of evolutionary progression  (Stage Quotes) If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism  (Stage Quotes) What we are tempted to call a disaster is sometimes the first, painful stage of a blessing  (Stage Quotes) I actually think I left 10 to 20 pounds on the stage, because it went up pretty easily. Seven hundred has been an accomplishment I’ve wanted for a while, but the last few months, as my training has gotten better, I knew this was going to be a reality. That’s when I knew I was getting close and this could really happen  (Stage Quotes) My name is on the thing, but the reality of it is, when I get up there on stage, I’m part of a band. I’m part of a unit. It’s like a basketball team  (Stage Quotes) My life is singing. I don’t plan on retiring. I plan to die on a stage. I can have a headache but when it’s time to sing and I step on that stage there is no more headache  (Stage Quotes) There’s no feeling as a musician better than being on stage, sharing music with strangers. People you have never met, singing along, and making that connection with somebody is so awesome  (Stage Quotes) It was quite strange, because it’s quite different from singing, although it’s quite natural because you’re used to performing or acting on stage  (Stage Quotes)
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