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Stage Quotes

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Anyone can build a building that protects people from heat, sun and cold. What I am determined to do is to make a stage where people can be sexier and more brilliant, a place where they can awake smarter  (Stage Quotes) I like to take a puff or two before going on the air. I still get stage fright when I have to perform. A little grass gets rid of the problem  (Stage Quotes) All of us inevitably spend our lives evolving from an initial to a final stage of dependence. If we are fortunate enough to achieve power and relative independence along the way, it is a transient and passing glory  (Stage Quotes) What do I think happens when we die? I think we enter into another stage of existence or another state of consciousness that is so extraordinarily different from the reality we have here in the physical world that the language we have is not yet adequate to describe this other state of existence or consciousness. Based on what I have heard from thousands of people, we enter into a realm of joy, light, peace, and love in which we discover that the process of knowledge does not stop when we die. Instead, the process of learning and development goes on for eternity  (Stage Quotes) The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver. No playwright, no stage director, no emperor, however powerful, has ever exercised such absolute authority to arrange a stage or field of battle and to command such unswervingly dutiful actors or troops  (Stage Quotes) A work is never completed except by some accident such as weariness, satisfaction, the need to deliver, or death: for, in relation to who or what is making it, it can only be one stage in a series of inner transformations  (Stage Quotes) I can’t go out on stage and have glow sticks waved at me! That’s not representative of anything!  (Stage Quotes) True friends are never forgotten, they live within our hearts and souls... forever, and always, dancing on our stage of memories  (Stage Quotes) A loose horse is any horse sensible enough to get rid of its rider at an early stage and carry on unencumbered  (Stage Quotes) The only reality of the theater exists in the mind of the audience. That audience looks collectively at what is going on on the stage and collectively imagines that this is real  (Stage Quotes) The stage play is a trial, not a deed of violence. The soul is opened, like the combination of a safe, by means of a word. You don’t require an acetylene torch  (Stage Quotes) Before our eyes is fought a battle of symbols... for there can be theatre only from the moment when the impossible really begins and when the poetry that occurs on the stage sustains and superheats the realized symbols  (Stage Quotes) I learned acting by doing it. And although I had never taken an acting class, it didn’t take long to learn how to be on the stage. All you have to do is to be humiliated in front of an audience a few times. If you don’t like being humiliated publicly, you learn how to act  (Stage Quotes) In comedy, beware the split focus. The audience should focus on the face of the actor. The audience must see the setup. If there is action elsewhere on the stage, the comic line can be lost  (Stage Quotes) One begins with two people on a stage, and one of them had better say something pretty quick  (Stage Quotes) Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if he misses the first section of a revolving door  (Stage Quotes) ... There’s a lot more to be gained from being grateful than you might think. Managing your outlook towards appreciation and thankfulness feeds the soul. It brings calm and contentment. It lifts your levels of happiness and hope. Gratitude will amplify your positive recollections about times past, and in turn sets the stage for optimism about the future  (Stage Quotes) All great movements, it is written, go through three stages: ridicule, discussion, adoption. It is the realisation of this third stage, adoption, that requires our passion and our discipline, our hearts and our heads. The fate of animals is in our hands  (Stage Quotes) If a chess statistician were to try and satisfy his curiousity over which stage of the game proved decisive in the majority of cases, he would certainly come to the conclusion that it is the middlegame that provides the most decisive stage  (Stage Quotes) In a war you have to take up arms and people will get killed, and I can support that kind of action by petrol bombing and bombs under cars, and probably at a later stage, the shooting of vivisectors on their doorsteps. It’s a war, and there’s no other way you can stop vivisectors  (Stage Quotes) If you want to change the way others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself. Unless you learn to love yourself, fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved. Once you achieve that stage, however, be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses  (Stage Quotes) The art of lighting the stage consists of putting light where you want it and taking it away from where you don’t want it  (Stage Quotes) I have to warn you that my bedroom isn’t the best place to stage an assault on me. It’s where I’m at my weakest, with my bed a mere twenty feet away  (Stage Quotes) If somebody doesn’t have any talent, get off the stage! You’re wasting my time  (Stage Quotes) If we treat each other as if we are geniuses, poets and artists, we have a better chance of becoming that on stage  (Stage Quotes) There’s no wrong move on stage. You can do no wrong if you just trust your instincts  (Stage Quotes) If I have this child? Why wasn’t it obvious to me that I already had a child, who was growing inside of me? Once you are pregnant, there is no if. That child, though tiny and in an early stage of development, already exists!  (Stage Quotes) Once you’re on stage you can’t go back, even when things go wrong people expect you to stay there and entertain them. When all else fails, you’ve got to try tap dancing  (Stage Quotes) I’ve got to the stage in life where all my friends are rich or dead  (Stage Quotes) Eventually I would like to reach the stage where I don’t have to write about love and kisses and all that stuff. I wish I could write about really ultimate things. That’s where I think all of us want to go, really. All the groups seem to be heading towards a kind of pop music that deals with ultimate things  (Stage Quotes)
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