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Stage Quotes

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I became a councillor back in 1971, so if by this stage in politics I’m making lots of big mistakes, then I shouldn’t be here  (Stage Quotes) People often ask why comedy is harder for women, and the reason is because a tampon will sometimes fall out when you’re on stage. Blokes don’t have that worry  (Stage Quotes) There are so many young women coming up through the ranks. Adele is an amazing singer. Beyonce has great stage presence. She’s just a beautiful woman. I love how everyone has just taken charge of their lives and careers  (Stage Quotes) As soon as you get off stage, that’s the most dangerous time for a singer to kiss people because your vocal chords are receptive to any kind of germ  (Stage Quotes) Well, unless you’ve suffered from panic attacks and social anxiety disorders, which is what I was diagnosed as having, it’s hard to explain it. But you go on stage knowing you’re actually physically going to die. You will keel over and die  (Stage Quotes) America has got the equivalent of stage three cancer of socialism because the federal government is tampering in all kinds of stuff it has no business tampering in  (Stage Quotes) I always had the sense of being in the spotlight, being on stage, being looked at  (Stage Quotes) When I perform on stage I become those male bullies, those dominators from my childhood. That’s probably why it’s so scary, because they scared me  (Stage Quotes) I can’t think of any more powerful moment than when you stand on a stage  (Stage Quotes) I thought being on stage was an amazing feeling, but there is nothing that can top watching my wife bring our son into this world  (Stage Quotes) I’m very honest in my music and I’m often asked to explain the lyrics; as an introvert, I find that quite hard. And I always wear high heels on stage, which can be painful  (Stage Quotes) I’m very interested in silence. And, more importantly, in what happens when people aren’t talking on stage. I’m interested in letting actors play and do things between the lines. And in slowing everything down  (Stage Quotes) I have more energy at the end than I do at the beginning. You can be so beat up that you can scarcely walk on stage but when you get to the piano the excitement kicks in, you forget about being tired  (Stage Quotes) I grew up in the theater. I began my career at 3. That was the first time I stepped onto a provisional stage  (Stage Quotes) I love stage actors. There’s something special about all people who have to do a performance eight shows a week, and musical people, especially, are so much fun  (Stage Quotes) I’ve been getting in trouble my whole life and I really don’t care what anybody thinks of what I do on stage as a comic  (Stage Quotes) You cannot imagine how great it is to step out on the stage with thousands of screaming fans loving you  (Stage Quotes) I loved being on stage. I was in elementary school when I started, so I couldn’t say that it was about the building of characters  (Stage Quotes) My father is a university professor so when the schools needed a little kid for their productions I was often the kid they used. The first time I was ever on stage was about 2nd grade  (Stage Quotes) No matter what you’re going through, as long as you have some specific emotion, whether it’s positive or negative, it is all stuff that you can use on stage  (Stage Quotes) And when I perform on my own tour, I have to talk myself into going out on that stage every single night  (Stage Quotes) You leave part of yourself on every stage you’re on. How could you not live in the air somehow?  (Stage Quotes) Going to the theater or having the honor of performing in theater reminds you of your humanity in a very different way. It’s a real release and an incredible challenge. But the stage is a dangerous place. You gotta be trained. Plus, crowds like when things go wrong. I think that’s part of the thrill. Anything can happen  (Stage Quotes) When I started performing, I decided that if in five years I couldn’t earn as much money acting as I could as a teacher, it would be unrealistic for me to continue on the stage  (Stage Quotes) I enjoy being on stage with other artists. I have a chance to watch and see people responding to the other artists songs. I get to see how people are affected by the music  (Stage Quotes) Over the years, I’ve loved being on stage with an orchestra, waving my hands around  (Stage Quotes) Acting is ephemeral. You can’t hang it on a wall. You can’t throw it off. And you can’t bring it out of a closet. It’s there one night and it’s gone the next, at least with stage acting anyhow  (Stage Quotes) I think I have music in me! I had a scholarship to study singing at one point, and I’ve never really done anything about it. I’ve done some music on stage, but it’s been a long time. It would be kind of fun  (Stage Quotes) In the past, if you did film, you couldn’t do stage, and if you did film, you certainly didn’t do television. You had to pick what you wanted to be. Now it seems like we can bounce around, not only between genres, but between mediums, and I like that. I like change and I like a good story  (Stage Quotes) You’ve got to love acting and that’s true for me. I love the idea of getting on stage and getting in front of a camera  (Stage Quotes)
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