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Stage Quotes

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On stage you look much larger than you are. You can have subtle changes of timing; how you place a punch line in a joke or movement or emotion according to an audience  (Stage Quotes) I love theater work because of the immediate effect your performance has on the audience. And I love the repetition; I love getting on the same stage for more than a month and reciting the same lines, trying to make a small or large step towards an improvement in my acting  (Stage Quotes) Even when I became the typical shy adolescent, I never minded performing. I felt there was a kind of safety, a protection about being on stage, about losing myself in another character  (Stage Quotes) I wanted to be a stage actor but I got stuck on television. It took a couple of years to get used to  (Stage Quotes) As a writer, I am not goddess of the universes I create. I am at most a stage manager of the plentiful gifts which tumble out of the horn of plenty, which is to say there is a source so sweet and forgiving and generous that I pray every day to let that source be my guide  (Stage Quotes) I have stage combat training from college, which is drastically different than fighting for the screen, but I do enjoy that kind of stuff  (Stage Quotes) I’m always happy to blow up any misconceptions that people have about stage school cos everyone thinks it’s really nasty there but it’s not  (Stage Quotes) Once you get on stage, everything is right. I feel the most beautiful, complete, fulfilled. I think that’s why, in the case of noncompromising career women, parts of our personal lives don’t work out. One person can’t give you the feeling that thousands of people give you  (Stage Quotes) I know that every time I step on the stage it’s a real gift,so I try not to take it for granted, and I try to make it an experience that the public can really participate in  (Stage Quotes) A book is actually a place, a place where we, as adults, still have the chance to engage in active imagining, translating word to image, connecting these images to memories, dreams, and larger ideas. Television, film, even the stage play, have already been imagined for us, but the book, in whatever form we choose to interact with it, forces us to complete it  (Stage Quotes) Kids are starting at such a low base rate in terms of fitness that it’s taking them years to catch up to where people like me started from. Every little bit is making it more difficult for kids to succeed on a world stage  (Stage Quotes) I’ve carved the puppet, and I manipulate the strings, but while it’s on stage, the show belongs to the puppet  (Stage Quotes) I would just sweat so much. I’d be dry when I run on the stage. By the time I got in front of the microphone, it just, just like a river pouring out. I don’t know what made that happen. It took five years for that to stop happening to me  (Stage Quotes) It’s quite different, the kind of love you get in a smaller club and the kind of love you get on a big proscenium stage. It’s quite different. I like both of them, but I’m in love with the smaller, intimate club  (Stage Quotes) I’m not an actor who appears on the stage and gives people advice on how to live or what to do and entertains them. It is not my specialty  (Stage Quotes) If you feel uncomfortable on stage, you can very easily descend into a sort of abyss, convinced you’re the worst actor ever, that you’re a disgrace to the profession, that you’re a disgrace to yourself. It’s an awful feeling  (Stage Quotes) There’s no doubt that I owe a lot to my training of stage acting  (Stage Quotes) Harlem is a stage. It’s like its own planet, from the way we dress to the swag in the way we walk and talk  (Stage Quotes) My advice to young actors is probably to do some theatre; definitely do that. I keep running into these actors who have never been on stage, and it’s invaluable for an actor. What you will learn about yourself is huge  (Stage Quotes) I’m too impatient to wait for things to happen to me. If I should be out of work for two months I would go crazy. So as soon as I’m free, I start writing. While it is necessary for me to write, I know that if I go too long without acting on the stage I don’t feel well  (Stage Quotes) Stage acting is for me the basic form of acting. If you make films all the time, you have so few possibilities to rehearse. And it’s important to rehearse, because it gives you the possibility to try things which are not good!  (Stage Quotes) I’d rather marry my husband in the stage where I know what I’m getting into and what it’s going to be like for our life together  (Stage Quotes) The first stage of meditation is simply to ignore thought; to become conscious that there is something beyond thought  (Stage Quotes) The second stage of meditation begins when you can successfully stop thought for long periods of time. At this point you move beyond the awareness of this world  (Stage Quotes) There’s something funny about being on a big stage and not making a big effort to fill it up  (Stage Quotes) I haven’t really been able to transfer into that extraordinarily other worldly creature, other than I hope on stage  (Stage Quotes) My philosophy is that the people around us are there doing as much work if not more work behind the scenes and they’re the last people you would ever be unkind to, so I hope I’m not a diva off stage  (Stage Quotes) I think that I’m so fortunate to have found classical ballet. It completely changed my life and it shaped the person that I am today, on and off the stage  (Stage Quotes) I just try to approach every opportunity on stage, as if it’s my first time and my last time  (Stage Quotes) Going on stage and transcending the audience and becoming this otherworldly thing makes you a dancer. It’s not so black and white  (Stage Quotes)
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