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Stage Quotes

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I don’t think I’ve ever gone on stage to be an asshole. I know one thing, from the past, and that’s that my intentions always began in a pure way. I really want to just try and play the songs  (Stage Quotes) With stage, you feel completely like you’re just in a bubble. I love not being able to see anything. I love coming out and I can’t see anything because the lights are so bright and it’s pitch black. That’s ideal for me, that’s when I have the best time  (Stage Quotes) I love the stage. I’m always sniffing around to see if there’s something I can squidge in quickly  (Stage Quotes) I think movie making can sometimes make you lazy in your approach. Occasionally you’ll be shooting a scene and it’s not even your coverage but you’ll catch yourself slipping away and you’ll see your mind going somewhere else. But you just can’t afford to do that on stage  (Stage Quotes) When we are young and again when we are old, we depend heavily on the affection of others. Between these stages we usually feel that we can do everything without help from others and that other people’s affection is simply not important. But at this stage I think it is very important to keep deep human affection  (Stage Quotes) In producers, loafing is productive; and no creator, of whatever magnitude, has ever been able to skip that stage, any more than a mother can skip gestation  (Stage Quotes) You’ve got to be on the ball from the minute you step out into that spotlight. You gotta know exactly what you’re doing every second on that stage, otherwise the act goes right into the bathroom. It’s all over. Good night  (Stage Quotes) In my productive activity, every time a type grows beyond the stage of its genesis, and I have about reached the goal, the intensity gets lost very quickly, and I have to look for new ways  (Stage Quotes) The number of choices you make in the event that you see on stage, those choices are sometimes largely determined by the rehearsal process and the experiments that you go through and the choices that you make in the rehearsal room, not in front of an audience  (Stage Quotes) I’m not going to be dancing with the stars at this stage in my life. But I want to dance and bop around, and I did, and I can  (Stage Quotes) Unless an action is rightly thought out and its steps rightly planned, every stage of its performance will probably remain vague and therefore unsatisfactory for the doer and all those concerned  (Stage Quotes) I was disappointed over my dismissal, given that it was at a crucial stage of the game and I had worked very hard to get to that point,  (Stage Quotes) I don’t use backing tapes when I am singing and dancing on stage. I can do cartwheels and sing  (Stage Quotes) I’m always nervous before I go on stage, but once I’m out there everything is great and it’s my favorite place to be  (Stage Quotes) I have social anxiety. It’s easier up on stage because there’s security in being there. When I’m off stage I’m trying not to be a manic freak. I’m quite shy  (Stage Quotes) In life, as on the stage, it’s not who I am but what I do that’s the measure of my worth and the secret of my success. All the rest is showiness, arrogance and conceit  (Stage Quotes) It so often happens that, when men are convinced that they have to die, a desire to bear themselves well and to leave life’s stage with dignity conquers all other sensations  (Stage Quotes) The actor must be full of passion. If he’s too cool he’s better off as the manager of a company, not someone who appears on the stage  (Stage Quotes) If the creatures with fur/feathers/fins are our brothers in a lower stage of development then their very weakness and inability to protest, demands that man should refrain from torturing them for the mere possibility of obtaining some knowledge which he believes may be to his own interest  (Stage Quotes) There’s some anxiety the 30 minutes before the show starts. But once you step on stage and face the people, everything goes away, and you have fun and enjoy the audience  (Stage Quotes) Build pockets of stillness into your life. Meditate. Go for walks. Ride your bike going nowhere in particular. There is a creative purpose to daydreaming, even to boredom. The best ideas come to us when we stop actively trying to coax the muse into manifesting and let the fragments of experience float around our unconscious mind in order to click into new combinations. Without this essential stage of unconscious processing, the entire flow of the creative process is broken  (Stage Quotes) The psychic perception is a feeling as opposed to a thinking. Not a feeling that is engendered through emotion necessarily. It comes from the psychic plane of intuition, which is another stage of our mind  (Stage Quotes) From one perspective, we’re in the early stage in artificial intelligence, but exponentials start out slowly, and then they take off  (Stage Quotes) I’d like to continue to play until I drop dead on stage or something  (Stage Quotes) The challenge is to translate the song into something that works on the stage. It’s pop music, but I try to keep it as loose as possible  (Stage Quotes) Occasionally it can be a little disappointing to see rock gods in their 60s or 70s up on stage  (Stage Quotes) Most of our songs were written on acoustic guitar before they made it to the practice stage  (Stage Quotes) Leaving stage with a bloody scalp, it’s rock and roll, I guess, but I want some hair at the end of the tour  (Stage Quotes) I like coming up with these spectacular extravaganzas that will, hopefully, totally blow people away. But I also like the intimacy of stopping it all and sitting at the edge of the stage and connecting with individual people in the audience  (Stage Quotes) I actually always try to have a moment in my show where I can just lay down on stage and talk to people for a little while  (Stage Quotes)
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