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Stage Quotes

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I’ve always wanted to be in musicals, not just in film, but on stage. I think it’s a wonderful medium  (Stage Quotes) There’s something mystical and wonderful about being in the room with the actual live performer s on stage that works. In film, it doesn’t work so you’re dependent on a great director to keep the thing moving along  (Stage Quotes) The literal, basic thing of the stage is really like a magnet. It brings me back to earth  (Stage Quotes) It’s always been my dream to be on the stage with my band, singing my music. That’s always been, and always will be  (Stage Quotes) I absolutely love being on stage. I live and breathe the stage, and nothing makes me happier, but to perform  (Stage Quotes) When I became tired of oil painting at one stage, I used collage and this proved to be influential in the design and composition of my later works  (Stage Quotes) Something that had the quality of a dimly lit stage set just before the curtains rise on opening night. There was a rhythm to it, a beckoning, and a bittersweet tear in time  (Stage Quotes) A stage play ought to be the point of intersection between the visible and invisible worlds, or, in other words, the display, the manifestation of the hidden  (Stage Quotes) I like my audience. I always feel when up on stage performing that I could enjoy having a cup of coffee with any one of them  (Stage Quotes) The bicameral mind with its controlling gods was evolved as a final stage of the evolution of language. And in this development lies the origin of civilization  (Stage Quotes) It is not pretended that, at the present stage of its development, economic science is able to provide an organon even remotely approaching to what it imagines for itself as its ideal  (Stage Quotes) If you create the stage setting and it is grand, everyone who enters will play their part  (Stage Quotes) Do I have political views? you bet! I think the best way to express them is in your work, and then get the hell off the stage  (Stage Quotes) If I am a prolific writer and turn my hand, with what seems to some as indecent haste, from novels to screenplays to stage and radio plays, it is because there is so much to be said, so few of us to say it, and time runs out  (Stage Quotes) I’ve moved a lot of my students into a high state of mind, but they don’t do the things I have shown them how to do. So then, they drop down into a lower stage of attention  (Stage Quotes) I think when I feel I’m at my best is when I’m on stage, and it’s my version of jazz because it’s just riffing or something  (Stage Quotes) I never had an aversion because I was active in the drama club. If I had that aversion I certainly wouldn’t put myself in the position of being on stage. Of course, in the drama club you’re hiding behind a character  (Stage Quotes) I think we have arrived at the stage where we are making it too complicated. I know guys who can’t play two rounds before running to their teachers  (Stage Quotes) It takes six years to make a golfer: three to learn the game, then another three to unlearn all you have learned in the first three years. You might be a golfer when you arrive at that stage, but more likely you are just starting  (Stage Quotes) I’ve always sung in the shower. Now I make the stage a mental shower in order not to get too uptight and enjoy it  (Stage Quotes) I always think the great parts outlive the actors that play them and that’s a stage tradition, that goes back hundreds of years and it should be that way  (Stage Quotes) There’s a thing that just as you go to sleep, if you keep your elbows elevated that you will never go below the dream stage. And I’ve used that quite a lot and it keeps me dreaming much longer than if I just relaxed  (Stage Quotes) If I can muster up any allure in my life, at this stage, I wouldn’t mind doing that  (Stage Quotes) I was very dramatic as a kid. I loved to entertain. I was taking my bathing suits and painting them black and putting sparkles on them because I thought I was going to be on stage  (Stage Quotes) I have a funny sense of humor. If I was a comedian and I was up on stage, people would think that’s funny, because I’m a funny comedian. I’m an entertainer  (Stage Quotes) I am at a stage in my life where I want to only do thing that I love. I only want to do things that make me happy. Making money is important, but it’s not my ultimate driver  (Stage Quotes) When I go back to the stage, I want to be able to do everything. I want to be able to do music and comedy and all that stuff and have a show like nobody ever had before  (Stage Quotes) When I perform, I lose myself. I’m in total control of that stage. I don’t think about anything. I know what I want to do from the moment I step out there and I love every minute of it  (Stage Quotes) Acting on stage is a living organism you can never pin down, and I believe the audience feeds off that, too  (Stage Quotes) I think on stage theres a side of me that comes out thats very fierce and confident  (Stage Quotes)
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