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Stage Quotes

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I used to love stage above all, but that was when I was a single man. As I get older, the time commitment gets harder for theatre  (Stage Quotes) I think theater will always be my first love. I’ve been doing it since I was nine, and theres nothing quite like being on stage, having the immediate intake of energy and exchange of ideas  (Stage Quotes) I can never stand in one place on stage for more than a minute and am always singing, dancing and jumping  (Stage Quotes) I have always maintained that if you work hard, it won’t go waste, as recognition will come to you at some stage, whether in studies or sports. You need to have good intentions and intent to move ahead in life as well as in sports  (Stage Quotes) I’m at the stage of life when if a girl says no to me I’m profoundly grateful to her  (Stage Quotes) I have noticed that in plays where the characters on stage laugh a great deal, the people out front laugh very little  (Stage Quotes) Any performer is one person privately and then he’s another person when he steps on the stage  (Stage Quotes) I don’t want to restrict the life of a play to a particular production. The original actors might leave after the first six months, and I want the play to last 30 or 40 years. You write for the character, not the actor on the stage  (Stage Quotes) When we talk about climate, we need to do everything we can to set the stage before the actors come on. And they may only have one chance at success. We should keep thinking: How do we maximize that chance of success?  (Stage Quotes) When people feel safe, they can come up with ideas. It’s important to listen to the actor who is there on the stage and living it  (Stage Quotes) I think anything that affects me in my personal life is going to help me be a better artist on stage  (Stage Quotes) A lot of my best stuff is just ad libs on stage and that’s one thing that I’ve gotten back to at the live show  (Stage Quotes) ... when I left the stage door and sought my orientation among real people I was in a wilderness of unpredictables in an unchoreographed world  (Stage Quotes) I had got to the dawn of the beautiful not caring, but fully aware, stage, which degenerates so imperceptibly into the doing something unpermissible stage  (Stage Quotes) There is a stage in any misery when the victim begins to find a deep satisfaction in it  (Stage Quotes) The public is a monster and that is why I am not eager to return to the stage  (Stage Quotes) The theater has fallen into the hands of real estate men and syndicates and those who have no love or interest in the stage or its life, but who have considered it principally as a means to make money  (Stage Quotes) The stage is actor’s country. You have to get your passport stamped every so often or they take away your citizenship  (Stage Quotes) Everything is toxic. That’s the point. You can’t avoid toxins. Thinking you can is just another symptom of the toxic overload stage  (Stage Quotes) If your in business your in show business. The moment you get to work your on stage. Give your performance of your life  (Stage Quotes) Musicians ought to reclaim some of the power in the houses of production. The opera houses are run either by managers or by stage directors, never by musicians  (Stage Quotes) I’m like everyone else, on the stage it’s good. Not too much fun in the hotel or the airplane or the bus, but you got to do it  (Stage Quotes) The worst years of my life were the first two years I was doing standup. You’re learning how to do, and you’re going on stage in front of two drunks and people aren’t laughing and you’re broke. That’s a really hard time in your life  (Stage Quotes) Stage is really hard work. You’ve got to do it every night. Not like doing it once and walking away  (Stage Quotes) In the opening stage of most careers any attention is what you want, any attention is good attention, even if it’s bad attention  (Stage Quotes) The doctor, if he forgets he is only the assistant to nature and zealously takes over the stage, may so add to what nature is already doing well that he actually throws the patient into shock by the vigour he adds to nature’s forces  (Stage Quotes) I think that this stage in my life is really, for a lot of reasons, pretty incredible. Being a solo artist and trying to take these bold steps on my own  (Stage Quotes) Regarding green screen, green screen is really like doing some stage work. You have to make believe that there is a window, make believe that something is there that is really not there and convince the audience. It’s part of acting  (Stage Quotes) It’s embarrassing to go through any rebellious stage in front of people that you love and respect, and yet I’m glad I did  (Stage Quotes) At every stage in life you think about death. But teenagers especially are sort of invincible. They’re not supposed to be thinking about dying yet, or else they’d be too afraid to live  (Stage Quotes)
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