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Stage Quotes

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I trained as a stage actor and was given a lot of technical tools to play with  (Stage Quotes) I’m not a comedian, but I love the comedians who know when to get off the stage  (Stage Quotes) I tend to be more arrogant on stage. Far more ignorant. I sometimes say what I think and sometimes say the opposite of what I think and the lines get blurred, but I can only hope that some kind of absolute power transcends  (Stage Quotes) It has been my experience that work on the screen clarifies stage portrayals and vice versa. You learn to make your face express more in making movies, and in working for the theater you have a sense of greater freedom  (Stage Quotes) When you improvise, you work off the laughs from the audience, but when you step on stage to do standup, it’s silent  (Stage Quotes) You don’t go to a comedy and try to laugh. You laugh in spite of yourself. You don’t just come on stage and cry. Something has pushed you to cry  (Stage Quotes) The last thing in the world my parents would want to do is get on a stage or do a movie. They would probably rather die. But they let me be who I was, and they supported me  (Stage Quotes) It’s all very hazy to me now. I’m glad I made it through that stage. It got a little dicey. There were some drugs going on. I remember singing one song for about a day and a half  (Stage Quotes) The only thing we are as actors are messengers. That’s all we are. Correct? We are delivering the playwright’s intention through the concept of the director. And I come on stage; if I feel confident in the role, then I give it away  (Stage Quotes) A lot of the time, you’re supposed to play to the top of your intelligence, as truthful as possible. But when you’re on stage making people laugh, you’re still acting. I think it helped me a bunch to go on stage two or three times a week  (Stage Quotes) When I perform on stage, you have to remember my performance or buy another ticket to the party! In television and film, you can see it over and over again  (Stage Quotes) With theater, you have to really be able to listen and to respond to other people on stage. You’re all constantly on your toes. And then with film and television, you can get a second take and things like that  (Stage Quotes) Actually, I failed drama in high school because of nerves. I wasnt able to memorize the words. I had complete stage fright  (Stage Quotes) When I perform on stage, I often pretend to be someone other than myself to bring a certain emotion or intent to a song  (Stage Quotes) The arts can be a great way to bring people together. I don’t preach from the stage. I try to stay positive on solutions  (Stage Quotes) Starting in music, where I get a chance to connect with the lyrics of a song, I learned so much about performing on stage and connecting to your audience and to what you’re singing about. Singing is very emotional. Every song has its own purpose  (Stage Quotes) The most dramatic moves I have made as an actor have been from stage to screen and from sitcom to drama  (Stage Quotes) How wonderful it is to celebrate a 27 years career! When you moved from basket ball to music, the world of sports lost a great player, but music won a great singer. You transmit good vibrations, a wonderful energy on the stage  (Stage Quotes) There is probably some great acting that goes on in movies from people who have never been on a stage, but if you are in for the long haul, you’d be missing an enormous part of what being an actor is if you’re not part of theater  (Stage Quotes) I had a very active imagination as a kid, and I was constantly performing, whether I was making money doing it or not, whether it was on a stage in front of 1,000 people or in the living room in front of my family  (Stage Quotes) I always have plans to return to the stage. I leave myself very open. I think what would be more likely is if I did a limited run of something, whether it be a play or a musical  (Stage Quotes) Hamlet, that’s the only role there is, finally. The only role. After that, you settle down and only do the fun things on stage  (Stage Quotes) I tend to be very relaxed on stage, but the nerves have to come out somehow  (Stage Quotes) I grew up doing stage work as a child and as a teenager, so the stage is my home where I feel most comfortable  (Stage Quotes) I wanna be able to stand on the stage and hold out the mic and people sing all the lyrics to my song  (Stage Quotes) The stage show is, in some sense, highly theatrical. It’s definitely not just a band in jeans playing rock and roll  (Stage Quotes) I’m not from a theatrical background where people do like to work it out on some stage space  (Stage Quotes) The cinema is little more than a fad. It’s canned drama. What audiences really want to see is flesh and blood on the stage  (Stage Quotes) My attitude as an actor, because I’m a stage actor, is whatever the director tells you to do, you try it. You don’t resist what a director is giving you  (Stage Quotes) I also, since we have digital cameras, the blue screen composites are so good that I would rather shoot on a stage than there, especially the complicated sequences. The sun never sets in a studio stage  (Stage Quotes)
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