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Stage Quotes

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When real actors are approaching their work, we could be on a little stage somewhere, doing community theater. It’s all the same. They’re just trying to make the scene work. They’re just trying to do the best they can and figure it out  (Stage Quotes) Believe it or not, I even love the editing stage. It’s something that apparently comes naturally to me  (Stage Quotes) The hardest part for me during the creation stage is actually putting words on paper that make sense and tell my story the way I see it. I sometimes feel I am slogging through quicksand when I write  (Stage Quotes) My biggest problem with the retirement thing was I’d be leaving the part of this business that I enjoy the most... the entertaining part, being on stage and seeing how the music affects people  (Stage Quotes) I went out into the woods for a few days. I just disconnected from everything and allowed myself to be free and be human. Because, that’s what makes you really good, if you can be vulnerable, if you can be vulnerable on stage  (Stage Quotes) When I was young, I was trained in stage fighting and rapier and dagger for several years  (Stage Quotes) I have to brush my teeth before I go on stage otherwise I don’t feel smart enough  (Stage Quotes) Mainstream medias representation, or its guerrilla decontextualization, of black mens lives in particular can set the stage for erroneous assumptions capable of damaging an individual or a nation  (Stage Quotes) Groupon looked like a very high valuation, but any investment in a great company at any stage is almost always a good investment  (Stage Quotes) Often, architects work too hard trying to make their buildings look different. It’s like we’re actors let loose on a stage, all speaking our parts at the same time in our own private languages without an audience  (Stage Quotes) The stage is like a laboratory where you can run theatrical experiments, imposing interesting conditions on the cast or story and seeing how they pan out. Each new play is like creating a tiny virtual universe enclosed by the confines of the stage  (Stage Quotes) Theatre was an art form that I didn’t really respect, and because I wanted to shake it up and do different things on stage, I was able to combine all the things I’d learnt through writing on my own  (Stage Quotes) I won’t wear rings and jewelry on the stage because I don’t want you looking at my hands. I want you hearing what I’m saying  (Stage Quotes) Ever since I was really little, I loved performing and being up on stage, and being the entertainment  (Stage Quotes) Art is inspiring. Walking into a gallery, or when the lights go up on a stage; that thrill of getting something that has nothing to do with acquisition  (Stage Quotes) Sandy was a climate change warning. Obama must now take the stage and fulfil the promise of hope the world needs  (Stage Quotes) Music makes my heart beat. The more I hear, sing and perform on stage my heart beats stronger than ever. I want to live like this until the day I die  (Stage Quotes) If you go on stage with an agenda, you have to accept not everyone’s going to agree with it  (Stage Quotes) When you go into the studio or get up on the stage with people who have more experience or knowledge, you learn  (Stage Quotes) Something I’ve always known about the screen is that if it’s anything in the world, it’s literal. It’s so literal that there’s a whole lot you can’t do because you’re stuck with the literalness of the screen. The stage is not literal  (Stage Quotes) Coming from sitcom television and coming from music you burn up every single second. You don’t leave anything there. You burn it up and you pass out when you walk off stage, so I took that concept into acting  (Stage Quotes) On the stage one must not confuse the nature of a personality with the naturalness of a person  (Stage Quotes) The art of an actress is sublimated sexuality. But off the stage the fire must be able to reconvert the steam into body  (Stage Quotes) At a stage when young people want more than anything to be like everyone else, they find themselves the least alike. Everyone their age is growing and changing, but each at his or her own pace  (Stage Quotes) I could never be on stage on my own. But puppets can say things that humans can’t say  (Stage Quotes) And if you can channel the truth of your own experience onto the stage, that’s what the audience wants to see  (Stage Quotes) I was vulnerable every day. Every night that I stepped on stage I was laying myself open  (Stage Quotes) I was never afraid on stage. That’s where I was the least afraid. I could just do what I do and I had the amplification and the lights  (Stage Quotes) If you don’t trust everybody on stage with you, then you’re in trouble  (Stage Quotes) Typically, when you’re with your friends, premises are coming up left and right. But when you’re on stage, you must create the premise. So you have to create the premise, paint the picture and then deliver the punch line  (Stage Quotes)
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