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Stage Quotes

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I’m most suspicious of scripts that have a lot of stage direction at the top of the page... sunrise over the desert and masses of... a whole essay before you get to the dialogue  (Stage Quotes) I’m an actor who believes we all have triggers to any stage of emotion. It’s not always easy to find but it’s still there  (Stage Quotes) The movie adaptations of stage musicals that I’ve seen, without exception, in my opinion don’t work. A lot of people would disagree with me  (Stage Quotes) This music is forever for me. It’s the stage thing, that rush moment that you live for. It never lasts, but that’s what you live for  (Stage Quotes) I don’t enjoy public performances and being up on a stage. I don’t enjoy the glamour. Like tonight, I am up on stage and my feet hurt  (Stage Quotes) This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theater where the dreamer is at once: scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience, and critic  (Stage Quotes) Parenting is a stage of life’s journey where the milestones come about every fifty feet  (Stage Quotes) If one man offers you democracy and another offers you a bag of grain, at what stage of starvation do you prefer the grain to the vote?  (Stage Quotes) One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing it  (Stage Quotes) A funeral isn’t for the dead. You’ll simply be a stage set for a kind of festival maybe. And besides, you won’t even be there  (Stage Quotes) Every stage of human life, except the last, is marked out by certain and defined limits; old age alone has no precise and determinate boundary  (Stage Quotes) A man who strains himself on the stage is bound, if he is any good, to strain all the people sitting in the stalls  (Stage Quotes) To treat a big subject in the intensely summarized fashion demanded by an evening’s traffic of the stage when the evening, freely clipped at each end, is reduced to two hours and a half, is a feat of which the difficulty looms large  (Stage Quotes) The doing of things from duty is but a stage on the road to the kingdom of truth and love  (Stage Quotes) Being a former theater student, of course, there is a part of me that is fascinated with stage crafts and what you can do with illusions and working within the confines of the studio  (Stage Quotes) I don’t like kids that are pushed into things by stage mums, but when I can see they are having a good time, they’re excited and enjoying the process, then I think it’s wrong to discriminate  (Stage Quotes) I’m mortified to be on the stage, but then again, it’s the only place where I’m happy  (Stage Quotes) I’d say that, first and foremost, I’m a performer; I started performing when I was four years old, and being on stage from a young age set me up  (Stage Quotes) No matter how much you rehearse on that stage, once you add 30,000 screaming people with flashing cameras into the equation, it’s pretty intense  (Stage Quotes) I never wanted to go longer than five years off the stage. Not necessarily musicals, but just doing a play or something  (Stage Quotes) When I’m on stage, my interaction with the audience is something that really makes me come alive. It’s a feeling like no other. The energy of the crowd fuels something new inside  (Stage Quotes) I always try to be myself. Ever since I was an introverted kid, I’d get on stage and be able to break out of my shell  (Stage Quotes) I keep falling off the edge of the stage because I can’t see it. I can’t see my wrinkles in the mirror either, though  (Stage Quotes) I nearly die of fear before I go on stage. Something wicked. I can’t eat a thing the day before a gig  (Stage Quotes) As any speaker will tell you, when you address a large number of people from a stage, you try to make eye contact with people in the audience to communicate that you’re accessible and interested in them  (Stage Quotes) I don’t wake up drenched in sweat because I haven’t been on stage in years  (Stage Quotes) For me, there is very little difference between magic and art. To me, the ultimate act of magic is to create something from nothing: It’s like when the stage magician pulls the rabbit from the hat  (Stage Quotes) I get very nervous before I get on the stage, but once I’m on the stage, I’m just, you know, me. Nothing hurts me  (Stage Quotes) I have a genuine love affair with my audience. When I’m on stage they’re not privileged to see me. It’s a privilege for me to see them  (Stage Quotes) The worst thing that ever happened to me on stage is someone ran forward to tell me they loved me and projectile vomited all over the stage. It was horrible  (Stage Quotes)
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