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Stage Quotes

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Its was one of those events which at a crucial stage in one’s development arrive to challenge and stretch one to the limit of one’s ability and beyond, so that thereafter one has a new standard by which to judge oneself  (Stage Quotes) Bring into play the almighty power within you, so that on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role  (Stage Quotes) The highest happiness is when one reaches the stage of liberation, at which there is no more suffering  (Stage Quotes) ... this is also the age of science and technology in which human beings have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith  (Stage Quotes) Sometimes in a defeat, you can set the stage for future victory. I wanted them to feel good about what they had accomplished. Not to like losing, but to like the success that they had  (Stage Quotes) I like it when I’m on the stage, but honestly, I would be very happy if I could cut it off, just enjoy my life when I wasn’t performing  (Stage Quotes) Life is a disease; and the only difference between on man and another is the stage of the disease at which he lives  (Stage Quotes) The initial stage, the act of conceiving or inventing a theory, seems to me neither to call for logical analysis nor to be susceptible of it  (Stage Quotes) I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants  (Stage Quotes) A man finds he has been wrong at every stage of his career, only to deduce the astonishing conclusion that he is at last entirely right  (Stage Quotes) I started doing comedy because that was the only stage that I could find. It was the pure idea of being on stage. That was the only thing that interested me, along with learning the craft and working, and just being in productions with people  (Stage Quotes) The germ of an idea doesn’t make the sculpture that stands up... so the next stage is hard work  (Stage Quotes) I’m totally at home on the stage. That’s where I live. That’s where I was born. That’s where I’m safe  (Stage Quotes) It’s called the mysterious rhythm of life,... I can’t quite account for it. It’s probably an addiction, quite honestly. I need that shot of stage every two or three years  (Stage Quotes) As a person who performs on stage, it’s good to be emotionally open. If you mess with someone when they are in that state, it’s like you’re messing with an animal when it’s eating  (Stage Quotes) Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given  (Stage Quotes) The end of one stage is only the beginning of another. Any dangers overcome are the necessary preparation to do better in the next stage  (Stage Quotes) I want to get to the stage where nobody can tell how a picture of mine is done. What’s the point of that? Simply that I want nothing but emotion given off by it  (Stage Quotes) If all the world is a stage and life is just a play upon it, get me two seats in the stalls  (Stage Quotes) All too often, it is audacity and not talent that moves an artist to center stage  (Stage Quotes) I’m so powerful in stage that I seem to have created a monster. When I’m performing I’m an extrovert, yet inside I’m a completely different man  (Stage Quotes) Sightseeing was... based on imaginative invention, like rehearsing your own play in stage sets from which all the actors had fled  (Stage Quotes) I’ve noticed that one thing about parents is that no matter what stage your child is in, the parents who have older children always tell you the next stage is worse  (Stage Quotes) One must never place a loaded rifle on the stage if it isn’t going to go off. It’s wrong to make promises you don’t mean to keep  (Stage Quotes) You know, London is so sprawling, and you can sometimes forget that anybody else is on a stage anywhere else  (Stage Quotes) No one appears on our stage unless the director has placed them there for our benefit  (Stage Quotes) I can’t expose a human weakness on the stage unless I know it through having it myself  (Stage Quotes) Is it less dishonest to do what is wrong because it is not expressly prohibited by written law? Let us hope our moral principles are not yet in that stage of degeneracy  (Stage Quotes) The fear of criticism is at the bottom of the destruction of most ideas which never reach the planning and action stage  (Stage Quotes) The reason I still work at this stage of life is because I enjoy learning something new each day  (Stage Quotes)
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