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Stage Quotes

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The predominance of mind is no more than a stage in the evolution of consciousness. We need to go on to the next stage now as a matter of urgency; otherwise, we will be destroyed by the mind, which has grown into a monster  (Stage Quotes) The hardest part is believing in yourself at the notebook stage. It is like believing in dreams in the morning  (Stage Quotes) Everything that occurs teaches and prepares you for the next stage of life. Nothing is lost  (Stage Quotes) Water becomes clear and transparent when in a quiescent stage. How much the more wonderful will be the mind of a sage when poised in quiescence! It is the mirror of heaven and earth, reflecting the ten thousand things  (Stage Quotes) Being on stage is magic. There’s nothing like it. You feel the energy of everybody who’s out there. You feel it all over your body. When the lights hit you, it’s all over, I swear it is  (Stage Quotes) My idea of magic doesn’t have much to do with stage tricks and illusions. The whole world abounds in magic  (Stage Quotes) I wanted to be famous for my music and my talent, and I always wished I could cut it out when I left the stage  (Stage Quotes) We should not expect the state to appear in the guise of an extravagant good fairy at every christening, a loquacious companion at every stage of life’s journey, and the unknown mourner at every funeral  (Stage Quotes) War is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions, when they have developed to a certain stage, between classes, nations, states, or political groups, and it has existed ever since the emergence of private property and of classes  (Stage Quotes) The squaring of the circle is a stage on the way to the unconscious, a point of transition leading to a goal lying as yet unformulated beyond it. It is one of those paths to the centre  (Stage Quotes) The one thing about going from the audience to the stage in just three years is that you know how it feels to be down there  (Stage Quotes) Wherever we are, it is but a stage on the way to somewhere else, and whatever we do, however well we do it, it is only a preparation to do something else that shall be different  (Stage Quotes) The stage is a place where I can be wholly myself. Even though you’re in front of people almost to be judged, it is a place without judgement  (Stage Quotes) What I really like seeing from the stage is people having their own moments, when people are doing some performance of their own  (Stage Quotes) The reason to retire is to try to avoid embarrassment; you ought to do it before people are dropping big hints. You want to be the first to come up with the idea. You don’t want to wait until you trip and fall off the stage  (Stage Quotes) With younger children the greatest reward is to be able to pass on to a new stage in each subject. It is a punishment to a young child not to be allowed to use the apparatus but to sit still and do nothing  (Stage Quotes) Death is just another stage of life, although the one you kind of hope comes last  (Stage Quotes) At this early stage in our evolution, now through our infancy and into our childhood and then, with luck, our growing up, what our species needs most of all, right now, is simply a future  (Stage Quotes) Conventional words or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only in a second stage, where the associative play already referred to is sufficiently established and can be reproduced at will  (Stage Quotes) Couples should abstain from sexual relations at least 2 or 3 days a week. Gradually try to reach a stage of celibacy most days  (Stage Quotes) I always think the second worst thing in the world is to go on stage at night, and the first worst thing in the world is sitting at home at night. For me, it’s scarier to not be doing it than doing it  (Stage Quotes) Madonna, she still has not showed, we see this empty cage now corrode, where her cape of the stage once had flowed, the fiddler he now steps to the road, on the back of the fish truck that loads, while my conscience explodes  (Stage Quotes) You might be a rock and roll addict prancing on the stage. You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage  (Stage Quotes) When I get on stage, my first goal is not to show my expertise, but on the contrary, to give a bit of happiness, of joy, of cheerfulness. I am firmly convinced that in order to sing well, you must love your neighbor and be passionate about life  (Stage Quotes) I know how to make it a great musical. I’ve got to. It’s like I’ve got to see it on stage  (Stage Quotes) I am just at that stage of wondering where I go from here. I came into this business almost by accident, but now it has become serious. What started as a bit of fun, something to do other than be a model, has taken on a different career curve. I have been forced to ask where that curve is going to end up  (Stage Quotes) I was in end stage heart failure, liver and kidneys shutting down, and on an emergency basis they went in and planted a pump in my chest. It was battery operated. That kept me alive for 20 months and that got me to the transplant. And I wake up every morning now with a smile on my face, thankful for the gift of another day I never expected to see  (Stage Quotes) Writing for the stage is different from writing for a book. You want to write in a way that an actor has material to work with, writing in the first person not the third person, and pulling out the dramatic elements in a bigger way for a stage presentation  (Stage Quotes) I love readings and my readers, but the din of voices of the audience gives me stage fright, and the din of voices inside whisper that I am a fraud, and that the jig is up. Surely someone will rise up from the audience and say out loud that not only am I not funny and helpful, but I’m annoying, and a phony  (Stage Quotes) I’ve never told anyone this. But I suffer from terrible stage fright. True. You can’t tell though, can you? Unbelievable, the panic. I nearly die of fear before I go on stage. Something wicked. I can’t eat a thing the day before a gig. It’d make me vomit  (Stage Quotes)
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