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Stage Quotes

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I had composed songs, I sang, and played the vina. Practising this music I arrived at a stage where I touched the music of the spheres. Then every soul became a musical note, and all life became music. Inspired by it I spoke to the people, and those who were attracted by my words listened to them instead of listening to my songs  (Stage Quotes) Aging has its own beauty. It is a beautiful stage for doing inner work. You have a chance to not be so dependent on social approval. You can be a little more eccentric. You can be more alone. And you can examine loneliness and boredom instead of being afraid of them. There is such an art and a possibility of aging  (Stage Quotes) I’ve always been a bit of a decorator. I think if I wasn’t a singer I’d probably be in stage setting or interior design or something. I like clutter and I’m quite visually greedy. I can’t have things to be plain; I have to have things looking interesting maybe I’m just a frustrated interior designer stuck in a singing career  (Stage Quotes) They work in secrecy. I can’t get any information. You can’t find out anything until they get out to the floor. and it’s hard to lick em at that stage. They’re a closed corporation. When they stick together, you can’t lick em on the floor  (Stage Quotes) I left it for seven years before going back on stage. I know now not to leave it so long  (Stage Quotes) I never look at a note. I just roam the stage. The people do not want to leave  (Stage Quotes) Describing the person I am would best be through music. When I’m up on stage and I’m singing my heart out, I am always reminded of life’s best things  (Stage Quotes) What seems to be clear to me is that after the primary infection most of the cells die indirectly, but at the later stage, when the viral load is very high, the virus kills a lot of cells directly  (Stage Quotes) The fact that someone came forward and offered $1. 25 million to make a movie was astonishing. We were also allowed to keep many of the original stage cast  (Stage Quotes) Heaven be thanked, we live in such an age when no man dies for love except upon the stage  (Stage Quotes) I mean, all alternative comedy is are comedians that have being doing it for so long, for so long, that they were relaxed enough to start becoming personal on stage  (Stage Quotes) The powers, aspirations, and mission of man are such as to raise the study of his origin and nature, inevitably and by the very necessity of the case, from the mere physiological to the psychological stage of scientific operations  (Stage Quotes) I’m at the stage of my career when it’s not only about winning and developing players, it’s about having fun. That’s a void in your life right now, but it’s something you’re going to have here  (Stage Quotes) The first time my father saw me in the flesh was on the stage, which is a bit weird. We went out to dinner, and he was charming and sweet, but I did all the talking  (Stage Quotes) The thing that’s characteristic of my performance is that I literally do drag the whole studio onto the stage  (Stage Quotes) It seems like if you are not painted up special way or have some tailor made outfit to put on to go out on stage... I don’t know... There’s too much of it out there  (Stage Quotes) The first stage I preformed on were the stairs to the hallway in the living room. There was a really nice platform, and when people were sitting in the living room, it was kind of an elevated platform and we would put on shows and skits  (Stage Quotes) The stage is close to being in the middle of the hall, so that the performers are surrounded by the listeners. I feel that we are all experiencing the music together  (Stage Quotes) People assume that because you have graced the same stage as the star act, in front of thousands, you must be reaping similar financial rewards. This is a complete fallacy  (Stage Quotes) When you are thrown onto the stage at 17 in such an enormous way, it becomes living on the edge because every step you take, every word you speak, every action you do becomes headline news. And it became, for me, life or death  (Stage Quotes) On stage, the audience watches from a fixed viewpoint and the director cannot retake something he doesn’t like. It has to work straight through  (Stage Quotes) I used to really want to go on the stage and then the last couple of years I’ve done some presenting at some award shows. I was so nervous I thought I was going to be sick, so I don’t think me on stage for any length of time would work too well  (Stage Quotes) Once you go from 10 people to 100, you already don’t know who everyone is. So at that stage you might as well keep growing, to get the advantages of scale  (Stage Quotes) When I’m on stage, I’m trying to do one thing: bring people joy. Just like church does. People don’t go to church to find trouble, they go there to lose it  (Stage Quotes) I would say that the war correspondent gets more drinks, more girls, better pay, and greater freedom than the soldier, but at this stage of the game, having the freedom to choose his spot and being allowed to be a coward and not be executed for it is his torture  (Stage Quotes) I’m not making up my mind about anything right now. Things are happening so quickly for me, and I’m still in the thinking stage  (Stage Quotes) I’m now wearing suits on stage, so I’ve kinda stepped up my game as far as image. Which I have to admit is kind of a pain the butt, but it’s fun. It gives you a certain amount of confidence to walk on stage and look nice, but I can’t say that I’m totally buying into the whole image factor  (Stage Quotes) You can hit your legs really hard, you can get very, very sore from training and I love that, but, the one I’d feel most on stage is legs. But, the thing that happens is once the adrenalin kicks in, that’s the trigger  (Stage Quotes) I never felt I would get to the stage where I would to have to actively think about retiring from international football as I always thought it would pass me by  (Stage Quotes) I realized that I needed to be anonymous on the street and somebody else on the stage. I had tried to put my street self on the stage, but what they want is an actor on stage  (Stage Quotes)
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