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Stage Quotes

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Well, just coming off the stage and there’s like 180,000 people out there and your adrenaline is going so high, and you’re doing so much and it’s hard to just put your head on the pillow and sleep because it just goes on and on, even after you’re off the stage  (Stage Quotes) We have a great time on that show, and we enjoy one another’s company on stage and off. and sitcoms don’t have bad schedules. We started out working five days a week, but now we’re down to three  (Stage Quotes) So you don’t have to take us too seriously; I mean, we’re already intimidating enough on stage  (Stage Quotes) I’m sure if we had made an album that was more traditional would have been released immediately. When we actually play this music on stage and people become familiar with it, it will become more popular  (Stage Quotes) At some of the venues, the audience was so loud we could hardly hear what was happening on stage, which kind of threw us back to 1983, when we had very similar reactions on a much bigger scale  (Stage Quotes) It was most exciting when people first came up on the stage and then when they came back for the encore. We wanted to make a show that kept on developing, that was interesting, so we tried to do that with our live shows  (Stage Quotes) The present stage redefines the possibilities of man and nature in accordance with the new means available for their realization  (Stage Quotes) Lots of people make the stage and it can seem very violent and over the top, but it’s not really. It’s always a kind of gentle ballet  (Stage Quotes) Hospitals are only an intermediate stage of civilization, never intended at all even to take in the whole sick population  (Stage Quotes) Ohh, I guess you got me there. He’s absolutely right. I’m just a wash up. Gotta stand on the stage  (Stage Quotes) Error is not a mere accident of an untrained intellect, but a necessary stage or feature or moment of the expression of the truth  (Stage Quotes) Death is a stage in human progress, to be passed as we would pass from childhood to youth, or from youth to manhood, and with the same consciousness of an everlasting nature  (Stage Quotes) Pasteboard pies and paper flowers are being banished from the stage by the growth of that power of accurate observation which is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it…  (Stage Quotes) As children must have the hooping cough, the college youth must pass through the stage of conceit in which he holds in slight esteem the wisdom of the best  (Stage Quotes) There ain’t a note that I play on stage that can’t be traced back directly to my mother and father  (Stage Quotes) I never had a stage mother, which is probably one of the reasons why I’m still doing this  (Stage Quotes) I am, of course, aware that the ultimate solution is the ownership and control of the means of life by the whole of the people; but we are not at that stage of development as yet  (Stage Quotes) You can be in an acting class all you want, but you don’t fully learn until you get off that stage and in front of a camera  (Stage Quotes) When the band would leave the stage, and then the audience would just take over, and keep the groove goin’  (Stage Quotes) I’m asthmatic. I was a lot bigger back then, and I still get winded on stage today. But I’ve learned how to pace it now. I have musical breaks in there  (Stage Quotes) At this stage I am not involved with young adults as closely as many other writers. My children are grown up and my grandchildren are still quite young  (Stage Quotes) You can have a bad day, but as soon as you set foot on that stage it’s joyous  (Stage Quotes) Everybody goes through a stage where you have it. and, all of a sudden, you don’t have it anymore. You get older and the audience gets younger  (Stage Quotes) I go wild on a stage. Some folks have measured us an image. They pretend us to be saints. and that image is much tougher to keep up with. Because that’s not who we are  (Stage Quotes) I got on stage for the first time when I was seven. From seven until I was about nine it was probably more to do with just being on stage and having the attention  (Stage Quotes) A symphony is a stage play with the parts written for instruments instead of for actors  (Stage Quotes) I’m happy with my shape. It’s getting to a stage of acceptance and understanding how to dress to reproportion yourself  (Stage Quotes) There is nothing like the high of being on stage and reaping applause, especially for emotionally needy people like me!  (Stage Quotes) I think I was afraid of what I might say when I got onto someone’s stage or in front of someone’s camera  (Stage Quotes) On no other stage are the scenes shifted with a swiftness so like magic as on the great stage of history when once the hour strikes  (Stage Quotes)
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