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Stage Quotes

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I love being able to sing for my job. I am blessed beyond words and I hope my fans can feel that while I’m on stage!  (Stage Quotes) One of the things that has been truly incredible to observe though, is the amount of venture investment that has gone into early stage security technology  (Stage Quotes) I think at this stage in my life I have learned that there are any number of things that men will never know, and can never hope to know, about women  (Stage Quotes) But that’s one of the nice things about doing a stage show, if something doesn’t work out, you have the luxury of working on it over time  (Stage Quotes) A stage play requires very different craft from a book, fiction or otherwise, and ditto from a screenplay  (Stage Quotes) One night last summer, all the killers in my head assembled on a stage in Massachusetts to sing show tunes  (Stage Quotes) I was keen to stage ‘Faust,’ although I find Goethe’s ‘Faust’ indigestible  (Stage Quotes) I saw Jeffrey Wright on stage in the first play I saw, which was ‘Angels in America.’ That was, like, in 91 or 92, and then I saw him again in ‘Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk.’  (Stage Quotes) I shy away from showing cruelty on the page. A lot of the violence in my books actually happens off stage. The police come on to the scene after the event has occurred  (Stage Quotes) I can’t say when we will have a cure, but we now know through our findings how to ask the question of what is going wrong at the earliest stage of Alzheimer’s  (Stage Quotes) Films are a whole new world that I’m excited to explore. But being on stage is very close to my heart; it has given me a sense of belonging. I will always try to find a way to balance both  (Stage Quotes) Nothing like a bit of ‘The Best of Times’ before prancing around on stage  (Stage Quotes) Once you step on that stage, to me, that’s where I feel most comfortable - performing live. So that’s something would do each and every day of my life if I could  (Stage Quotes) If I could perform on stage with any musical act or performer, it would be Sugar Ray, just to fulfill my childhood dream of singing with Mark McGrath  (Stage Quotes) Sharing the stage while singing my songs was a bit of a daunting prospect  (Stage Quotes) I was never that good on stage with live improv. I was much better on film or writing something and then thinking about it. I was too in my head when I was on stage  (Stage Quotes) To me, the stage is like my living room, or my home, and when you come over to my house, I have to be a hostess and invite you in so that we can have a great time  (Stage Quotes) Whether I am on a stage, behind a guitar or in front of a camera, I get paid to misbehave. Fortunately, misbehaviour is something I have unlimited supply of  (Stage Quotes) While the lab plays an enormous role, research is also influenced by inner peace of mind and one’s family environment, depending on what stage of one’s life and career a scientist is at  (Stage Quotes) When I am on stage, I give everything. Maybe because of that, I won’t last long, but I don’t care  (Stage Quotes) In 1889, I predict, the legislative stage of the Irish question will have arrived; and the union with England, which shall then have cursed Ireland for nine tenths of a century, will be repealed  (Stage Quotes) My middle name is Marshall. A lot of people think it’s a stage name, but it’s not  (Stage Quotes) I find the theatre faintly embarrassing for the actors performing on stage. It seems rather showy-off in an undignified way  (Stage Quotes) If you can sell that you’re the King of Scotland, or Henry V on a tiny stage in a studio theater somewhere, then you can probably sell that you’re a starship captain or a time traveler  (Stage Quotes) My years of ballet and jazz dance lessons didn’t make me any more graceful - they just helped keep me from bumping into the furniture on stage  (Stage Quotes) I think with all records, it’s the starting out that is the difficult stage  (Stage Quotes) But when I went on the stage to do a show, I would put on makeup because I felt that it enhanced my act; it drew attention to what I was doing  (Stage Quotes) Never bring the problem solving stage into the decision making stage. Otherwise, you surrender yourself to the problem rather than the solution  (Stage Quotes) I really feel like the first day I went to drama school and I went up on stage, that I found my vocation. It’s kind of a cliched thing to say but I really feel like it was what I was meant to do  (Stage Quotes) We must progress to the stage of doing all the right things for all the right reasons instead of doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons  (Stage Quotes)
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