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Stage Quotes

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Go out on the stage as a human being and do not be afraid to show struggle in your music. It’s a struggle in life and then struggle and then victory  (Stage Quotes) I wanted to write a horror story. But in some ways, I have always thought of myself as a kind of ghost-story/horror writer, though most of the time the supernatural never actually appears on stage  (Stage Quotes) National parks, zoos, protected areas, polluted seas - using the whole world as a readymade, I thought about it as a stage set. To activate a stage set you need a drama, an actor to offset it  (Stage Quotes) Every day is Thanksgiving.On this stage you’re going to hear God and none of them other words, and I ain’t going to touch my stuff  (Stage Quotes) Once you train you develop your own aesthetic and your confidence. So, I think as I grow I’m learning how to be a singer. I’m training my voice and being on stage and singing and dancing  (Stage Quotes) I can’t walk very well, but I’m not onstage to do walking. I’m on the stage to play  (Stage Quotes) On this global stage, Superman is someone that we can all look up to and he’s almost kind of ultimately American  (Stage Quotes) I worry about the future of this country for our kids and grandkids and America not being on the world stage and that vacuum being filled by the likes of Vladimir Putin  (Stage Quotes) I think most women we go through a stage in relationship, this is men and women where I’m trusting you, but now I got to test it, I have to make sure your the real deal  (Stage Quotes) I’ve worked for more than 50 years on the stage and I have played great, great, great roles, but I haven’t played a great Shakespearean role because they’re all male. I’m actually very proud of it  (Stage Quotes) I’m not in Captain America because it takes place in the 40s. Both he and Bruce Banner are relationships that evolve during this - two more rock stars that I got to get on stage, ready to play ball  (Stage Quotes) They don’t want to see rap music. They don’t want to see the Beastie Boys. They don’t care what we’re doing. They want one thing and one thing only: that’s to see Madonna come on stage  (Stage Quotes) When I go on stage I am just, I don’t make any attempts to do anything more than just what makes me comfortable  (Stage Quotes) Evaluate every performance on: stage presence, concentration, delivery, material and lessons learned  (Stage Quotes) The Spirit is testifying that a new day is dawning. The stage of the world is being set for a fullness of a harvest and a genuine apostolic reformation in a new way  (Stage Quotes) I’ve definitely done my share of tripping over monitors, etc. but nothing could compare to the time when I totally forgot the beginning of a song that I was starting on stage  (Stage Quotes) I’d love to do an acoustic album alright, just on stage. That’d be nice  (Stage Quotes) The stage is not for me to practice. I’m not that artist. You practice at home and when you get on stage, it’s time for a conversation  (Stage Quotes) Whatever you see me do is spontaneous reactions on stage. It’s nothing planned. It’s nothing that I got in the room and tried to think of hard. It just happens through feeling  (Stage Quotes) Recording wasn’t as important to me as actually being to get on stage and act the fool  (Stage Quotes) Adolescent stage in the development of the human race from which humanity should free itself  (Stage Quotes) I feel that it’s nothing if not an incredible privilege to be able to get up on stage and play for people, and I don’t ever take it for granted  (Stage Quotes) When you go on a stage - or even in a cafe or a room - and you play it’s all happening right then and there: the exchange, the art, the communication. Performance is in the moment  (Stage Quotes) I like interacting with human beings, so being on stage feels like a larger version of that - kind of like throwing a party  (Stage Quotes) It’s like a spiritual elevation that occurs when you’re playing and becoming one with the instrument or players on the stage  (Stage Quotes) I feel like when I go on stage I feel so excited at the prospect that there will be a true connection  (Stage Quotes) When I would go on stage I would start to feel that the eyes that watching me weren’t kind. And it took me a while to realize that those eyes were my own eyes  (Stage Quotes) What I’ve found is that stage is very much a foundation of acting. It’s where it all began and you’re working with that repetition  (Stage Quotes) They’re all personal and self-created challenges that I think I’ve overcome within myself. Being confident enough to get on stage and play, things like that  (Stage Quotes) My fondness for extended monologue might have been encouraged by two decades of writing stage and radio dramas  (Stage Quotes)
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